Looks good Josh. What color did you use for the tires?
The rest of this post should be titled.. "WARNING...DANGER Will Robinson" (arms flailing widly)
1st a question. The extra ammo boxes for the Flak38 can be open or closed. Does the top hinge at the back or would it come off completely?
Now the stuff. Things I missed that, if you have not gotten this far yet, keep an eye out for. BTW this is the Dragon kit and may be different depending on what parts are common.
(Note to self PAY ATTENTION!!!!)
I totally missed this gap when test fitting. The left side is fine so the right side was mounted the same way. i would have had to remove the guide lugs on the fender to get the gap to disappear.
I saw the tiny gap that needed to be filled in the front wheel well. How did I miss the BIG one behind it
And look at all the holes here and in the pic above. All the holes for alignment pins for stuff attached to the top of the fender go through. THROUGH??? WHY? And what's with the one in the back that as deep as the Snake River Canyon.... wait... I think I see a tiny little Evel Knievel trying to jump across it... darn, missed again... that's 0 for 2. I thought surelythat must be for a part to fit in... so deep... so round... so perfect. But no I need a bigger tube of putty.