Hay Wing_Nut outstanding man!! Here's some info for Dupes about that Zvezda kit. Here something I thought you should know. The dash in this ik lacks a gage set up they want you to use just there decal image on the gauge faces. In this image you see the Tamiya dash and then the Zve dash. I'm making a mold of the Tamiya dash for the Z kit.
Ok I can't seam to post any images sorry you all I'll keep trying to get my images to post later.
Any way to dupes If I was you I would go on and get that kit at the low sales price, it a good kit to have. The sale is over tomorrow!
Ok got it to work this time but my PC keeps asking me will I [allow access] man that sucks If I knew that the new solftwear would give me shuch a hard time I don't thing I would have let the uplode go through.
An way back to the model the floor bords are close in size.
Hay you guys want to hear something "funny"? Here's my big goof for to day, I was making an advatar for a friend and forgot to change my images size back so All the new work that I uploaded is all in a small size and now I have to go back and upload all my photos over again. Now dote that just bust your gut?
Any way the chassis has com out ok I did have a gap in the rear to fill othere that that it builds up well.
Here on the front ot the chassis you will need to use tweezers to plce the to small part in between the chassis frame bars.
Now I have not gone back a look to see if any one hast posted a wiring dio for this type of engine yet so all I'll say is the engine builds up nicely.
I'll be back with more work soon.