Ok, here are some model finished pics. First the details
I added a commercial radio antenna which is a 1 inch long .020 brass rod and the spring on the bottom is 32 gauge wire wound tight in the rod. Antenna was painted with Alclad Aluminum
Front lights I drilled out and added MV lenses. Prior to the lenses I chromed the housings with Alclad Chrome. The headlights pointing to the side are mounted on some scrap PE bent to make a channel and the light cable is .032 black wire.
Some of the other details, the armor lenses were done with decal paper painted with Alclad Jet Exhaust and then painted with Tamiya Smoke. The same was used for the rear black taillights. The red taillight is decal paper painted with Alclad Aluminum and then Tamiya Clear Red
The engine grills on the roof were pin washed with Black along with the outline of some of the details. Some of the roof dirt was a touch of the black pin wash and some MIG Smoke powder. The exhaust also used the MIG Smoke powder for the black
Rust on the exhaust, bolts and scratches were a dry brush and or wash of Raw Sienna.
Next was the overall model with a dot filtering with a mix of White, Burnt Umber and (a touch) of Sap Green.
After that, a weathering wash with a mix of Vandyke Brown and Burnt Sienna
Lastly, the tracks were done with the Alclad Steel for the metal and a 50/50 mix of Tamiya NATO Black and Flat Black for the pads. Then to finish, I first washed and dry brushed with Burnt Sienna and then applied MIG Light Rust powder.
After all that....here it is
I am working on the base now. I should have some final pics in a separate post this weekend.....I hope
Next up on the bench, the SP AT weapon that's not a tank but is close in power. The M1128 MGS Stryker. (I know, it is not totally strange....but it is different)
All comments are welcome. Thanks for looking
Rounds Complete!!