Karl - For your first request...the side by side
The real deal
My deal
Next no nit too small no pick too big....that's what we are here for!
On the track issue, see the blow up below where even the running section which is under the road wheels is fairly rusted
On the other hand, you can see the rear road wheel which has a greenish hue. I will go back in and use some faded OD as a wash on the inside of the roadwheels to get a tint.
Lastly as far as the figure....in a space suit...forgetaboutit. In the blue jump suits....have not found anything good ans even then I won't find any female in the suits (Manny...help). I don't think this one is going to have figs
Thanks for looking, and thanks for the comments. I always love the good ones but the nits & picks are always helpful. Never be afraid, I love the comments, good or nits.
Bill - Thanks for looking. I really like the MV lenses. They are like the icing on the cake
RBaer, Mobious & Agent G - Guys, thanks for looking and thanks for your comments
Rounds Complete!!