Build Update:
I took some time off from assembly to plan how to paint the turret interior due to the the fact that I want to model the turret doors open on both sides but I had not ideal how to paint an interior!
The great thing about the internet is that it has terrabytes of historical data which is a double edged sword. I checked and rechecked data sources and finally decided to give it my best shot and interpation of an open hatched interior in Afrika and here is what I came up with.
Oh and I checked with Bill as well!
I approached painting and weathering the interior just like I learned to approach the exterior. I used my AB to base coat the interior with Model Master Acryl Panzer Interior Buff after masking any areas that might end up with paint on the exterior. I then then used Poly Scale Reefer Grey for paint chipping.
My next step was to use a Mig Production Brown for Desert Yellow Filter to provide tone and blend in paint chips. I also added a light coating of Mig Pigment Gulf War Sand to blend everything together. I was happy with the end result and it looks like my ideal of a well worn desert vehicle. I also used Squadron's White Putty to add texture to the interior before I base coated it to simulate a rough trexture from multiple coats of primer and Dark Yello over Panzer Grey.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is contempt prior to investigation."
Herbert Spencer