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Ed and Rick thanks a bunch for the help. I think the problem is that I have a mental image of how I want it to look, but it didn't work that way. I am also using different weathering products for the first time and am trying to see what I can do by using/mixing products and techniques. For me it's like searching for the holy grail, I would like to finally get it down and produce a realistic finish. Or maybe I'm just NUTS
Thank you all for your support, I'll try it again on the next wreck. Yep another wreck.
it was touch and go for a while with the turret, now all is back on track and I can move forward with this. I have not done much in the last two days and just now took some pics. The lighting isn't that great but you can see how she's coming along.I hope to start the rusting and dusting in the next two days and wrap this project up by the end of the weekend.Rob
Glad to see this one staying on track Rob, looks great so far!
BP Models
No up date, just bumping my post so it doesn't get buried behind the multiple ebay posts.
Rob your are amazing. If I get a mental image of how I want something to look, by the time I wake up the next morning it's gone so I just have to play it by ear day by day.
Tony Lee
Shoot Low Boys They're Ridin Ponys
Rob, truely amazing work
The poor old rusty thing needs a cleaning don't it.Oh and don't worry about that thought process not carryin over to your waking hours Pvt.Mutt,happens to me all the time.next thing you know you got an old bushy brush and the Mig weatherin pigments in bed trying to weather the wife "just the way you imagined "In a state of unconscienceness of course.Great build scratchmod,always look forward to seeing your work.
Wow, that is some awesome work there! I LOVE the rusting on there, very nice!
Thanks, Jim
Dang, Rob...that looks awesome.
Tony, Bob , Detailfreak,Jim, Dupes and G... Thanks guys.
G I hate you too for starting the Pz IV F. Now I have to finish my F1. Too bad I've already started something else this week.... This will be something different for me on this site,
Quite cool Rob!! For anyone that thinks Rob can only do wrecks here are a couple shot of a PZ.III Ausf. N he shard with me earlier this year.
Again this is Rob's work!!\
You guys are too funny, thanks.
I didn't get very much done this weekend, had to buy an Xmas tree and hand lights. I added some weathering to the tank and started the base/groundwork. Here is how it looks at the moment.
I'm hoping to get this thing done this weekend if I get a couple of hours bench time. I have some other models to finish and the new one I started. Of course there is that Pz IV F1 that got shelved, now that I've gotten motivated by G's model.
I''m sorry that I posted 17 posts of the same subject just stop rubbing it in. But at least I know it was a forum screwup and not mine.
On the workbench: Dragon 1/350 scale Ticonderoga class USS BunkerHill 1/720 scale Italeri USS Harry S. Truman 1/72 scale Encore Yak-6
The 71st Tactical Fighter Squadron the only Squadron to get an Air to Air kill and an Air to Ground kill in the same week with only a F-15 http://photobucket.com/albums/v332/Mikeym_us/
Yep, I seem to have this problem with the post button . As for your 17 posts, I thought that was wierd and chalked it up to the changes here and not you. I'm not too thrilled with the new look but will stick it out and do my occasional double post LOL. Thanks for dropping in on this build.
Can't wait to see this one finished Rob...but before you tackle that IV-G, what about some time on the ol' Grille eh? You know you wan to....
Hey Bill,
Hmm the Grille you say, I started another little "insect" model I've also started. Well I have a week off between the holidays and that's when I'll work on it. Lots of building in the little bugger so I don't want to rush it. That's a project like my PzIV Ausf ID I built a earlier this year, but I will get to it my friend.
Rob, I know how the Xmas work kills the bench time....seems the weekend comes and goes in a nanosecond!!!
Ground work is looking good.....
Rounds Complete!!
"The Moral High Ground....A Great Place to Emplace Artillery."
Rob, dude! WOW that's nice.
Hi all it's me again. I finally got this one done, I still have a few other models I have finish off and am trying not to spend too much time at the key board. I have been checking in on your builds, forgive me if I don't always post, and wow some good stuff here lately.Ok enough chatting, here are some pics of the completed model and base. I try to keep the base and groundwork simple, mainly because I'm not very good at dio's.One down and a few uncompleted models left to go.Rob
Rob, thats not model making....THATS ART.
enough said,
Beeeeyuuuuutiful work Rob! Definitely has that tired, long-abandoned, feel about it. I'd say you nailed the ground work and presentation. 10 of 10!
terry35 Rob, thats not model making....THATS ART. enough said, Congrats, Terry.
Briother this is fantastic!! This was one was for practice for Gosh Sakes!!!
Holy rust buckets Batman
Rob that is just AWSOME! that is a masterpiece.
Another stunning completion! Well done.
Great looking job. If you don't mind I'm going to stea- um I mean borrow some of your ideas. I'm hoping to do a knackered Panzer IV some day. Some day in the next fifty years or so at the rate I'm going.
"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen
You can't argue with your resuts, Rob! Consistently amazing, that's what they are!
I think the base looks cool! Nothing lacking there at all!
Wow, excellent, fantastic, I'm Gobsmacked!!!!...Kenny
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