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WIP - Tamiya 1/35 Hetzer: Now Complete - 19.12.10

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  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
WIP - Tamiya 1/35 Hetzer: Now Complete - 19.12.10
Posted by Hinksy on Saturday, November 20, 2010 8:27 AM

Good afternoon folks,

I hope you have all had a good week and are all very well Yes

Ok, so following the sad demise of my 1/48 Tiger I have moved on to my next planned WIP in my stash - the Tamiya Hetzer.

It's one of the newer kits with a lovely glossy full colour cammo painting guide. The part look well moulded and generally it looks like a great kit. I've always liked the mean looking lines of the Hetzer so I'm looking forward to this build. I love the 38(t) chassis to work with and them big wheels are a dream to weather and paint!

I've bought some Friuls for her - normally I'd have used the L&L tracks or vinyl tracks (both types are provided) but I've just managed to source some 'Black Track' solution for Friuls and really want to give that a go. I've also bought a replacement barrel and some tow cables to replace the ugly moulded moulded cables that come with the kit to go on the rear below the muffler.

The Friuls come supplied with 2 x lead drive sprockets but these won't fit onto the kit- I've never seen anything like this supplied with Friuls before? There is alsosupplied with the Friuls a small lead 'plug' and two round pieces?

The paint guide shows all hard edged tritonal cammo ambush schemes, apparently seen on the majority of the mid production Hetzers. I'm not sure if I want to go for this yet. Unless the scheme was factory applied they would have been sent out with the usual Dunkelgelb base coat for the crews to paint up. At present I'm planning on a plain Dunkelgelb base colour and heavily weather and chip it but I'll see how she goes. 

All the kit................


 Below is one set of the drive sprockets that came with the Friuls:

My replacement PAK 39 75mm barrel:  


Replacement Copper Tow Cables: 


Well, I'm about to get started so I'll post an update later,


Ben Toast 

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: South Carolina
Posted by jetmodeler on Saturday, November 20, 2010 9:47 AM

Looking foward to seeing this one.


  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Saturday, November 20, 2010 10:18 AM


Looking foward to seeing this one.

Cheers JM,

She could be good - there's a lot of potential there anyway!

Some inconsiderate sod at work has decided they need me to run a report for them  as 'they don't know how to do it' Censored they can't be bothered more like! Seeing as my boss made the request I can't exactly say no. I've got the report running now so I've had to suspend starting work on this until tomorrow. No problem but I was so excited with the prospect to get involved with this kit! It looks like it will be a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon start now as it's my Mothers 61st Birthday tomorrow and Dad and I are taking her out for a surprise lunchtime meal at a lovely little Olde English countryside pub that we know.


Ben Toast

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Piscataway, NJ!
Posted by wing_nut on Saturday, November 20, 2010 10:28 AM

Wish your mum a happy birthday from all of us in the States.

I missed the demise of the Tiger.  I'll have to go back and what happened.

This looks like a nice project. I am doing a Marder III.  Using a 39 (t) chassis the Friuls are early the same as yours.  Got the drive gear, shaft and collar too.  The tracks did fit the Dragon gear but it fits the metal one better.  Plus the detail is way above the Dragon part.  I had to drill out the housing for the shaft.  It extends inside.  I am assuming the collar finishes off the interior parts to complete the drive train if you have an tranny and plan to do an open hatch.



  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Saturday, November 20, 2010 10:55 AM


Wish your mum a happy birthday from all of us in the States.

I missed the demise of the Tiger.  I'll have to go back and what happened.

This looks like a nice project. I am doing a Marder III.  Using a 39 (t) chassis the Friuls are early the same as yours.  Got the drive gear, shaft and collar too.  The tracks did fit the Dragon gear but it fits the metal one better.  Plus the detail is way above the Dragon part.  I had to drill out the housing for the shaft.  It extends inside.  I am assuming the collar finishes off the interior parts to complete the drive train if you have an tranny and plan to do an open hatch.

Thanks Wing Nut - I'll let Mum know!

I realised after posting that of course the shaft & collar is for the Friul drive gear (DOH!). I might use it, not sure yet - like you say it is way more detailed than anything in Styrene but I've never come across any Friul kits that have had additional parts like this with them before so as you can imagine I was a bit (pleasantly) surprised!

I've just been looking at the Marders on the Marder Madness thread, looking good! There are some great builds on there.

Like I said, I love working on anything that involves the 38t chassis as it's a simple build and the wheels are great fun to paint and weather - you haven't got endless rows of wheels like on the Tiger or Panther for example - just 8 nice big ones! Yes I love my modelling but I do not enjoy painting 32 wheels for one build!

I've got the Dragon Marder III Ausf M Command Vehicle in my stash and I'm looking forward to getting started on that. It looks like a real mind bender of a build but it should be intereseting! After my Hetzer is completed I'm switching to Allied and Russian stuff for a while as all I've built this year has been German armour but I'll no doubt slot that Marder in somewhere next year! I've got the big Tamiya JSU-152 coming as Christmas present and I've already got the Dragon IC Hybrid Firefly from my Birthday in the stash so I'll probable build the 152 and then the Firefly then get stuck into the Marder - they won't be quick builds and should take up the bulk of 2011 now that I'm really taking my time and concentrating properly on my builds

Thanks for dropping by buddy - there'll be a Hetzer WIP update tomorrow.


Ben Toast

Note: Re the Tiger, it was all going ok BUT when I opened the last sprue from its bag I found that all of the plastic on the tow cables and tools etc (infact everthing on the sprue including the Sprue tree) had gone VERY VERY brittle! I wanted to cut off the tow cables and brush paint them with Gunze 'Steel' ready for fitting today but as I went to cut the cable from the sprue it snapped in about 3 places! The others did the same!

Everything else was fine and all the other sprues were fine too?  The night before I had noticed that the glue wasn't taking to the Die Cast chassis very well and I'd had to re-fit the side fenders as they were coming off and the front Glacis was lifting too; I'd fitted all this with normal cement and CA depending on it's location. The fenders were fitted with Ultra Gel CA which is very good for modelling purposes and I swear by it but it wouldn't hold. The rear exhaust cover was held in place with normal cement and that didn't hold either. Obviously there was no paint on the model when I fitted these parts so I'm at a loss as to what happened. I built this kit as my first EVER model last year and although it was a cruddy newbie build it was fine and is still in one piece now!

Oh well, 'm glad I'm back to 1/35 scale - it's more fun! I'm going to get the AFV 1/48 Tiger at some point as I still have the replacement barrel (which luckily I didn't glue in place as it pushed into the mantlet perfectly without the need for glue to hold it) and I have the unopened box of early version Tiger I Friuls! At least I got some good AB practice!

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Western North Carolina
Posted by Tojo72 on Saturday, November 20, 2010 11:38 AM

Lets hope for a return to your previous successes on this one Yes

  • Member since
    April 2005
  • From: Piscataway, NJ!
Posted by wing_nut on Saturday, November 20, 2010 11:50 AM

In a bit of a rush and will read your long post when I get back but wanted to warn you.  If you do use the metal gear.... it is thin.  When you glue the halves together be careful not to bend the side.  I just did and had to fix it so it was wide enough again for the tracks to fit.



  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Saturday, November 20, 2010 12:00 PM

Okay Wingy,

Thanks for the heads-up sir!


Ben Cool

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, IN
Posted by deafpanzer on Saturday, November 20, 2010 12:40 PM

Buddy, now you got my attention!  Always wanted to get one of those little Hetzers... maybe for my Christmas from my wife or boys. Wink  Hug your mum for us... hope you didn't build a kit for her birthday, did you?  Stick out tongue

I will be following your WIP as usual! 


  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Saturday, November 20, 2010 1:33 PM

Thanks Andy!

I'll pass your message onto my Mum!

I've decided to go for a vehicle that wasn't painted in the factory; it's going to be one that was sent out in Dunkelgelb to be painted by the crew out in the fiels but due to whatever reason they never got round to doing the paint job which, I understand, was quite often the case.

I love a straight Dunkelgelb paint job, I've got some builds coming up that are going to require crazy paint schemes so I'm keeping this simple. I'm going to beat her up, chip her and generally make a bit of a mess of her! Lot's of streaking grime and rust streaks on that sloping armour lot's of nice dark pinwashes and I'm going to treat each wheel as an individual 'model' and pay a lot of attention to each one; be it damaged rubber on the odd couple of road wheels or hairspray chipping on  couple exposing a red primer undercoat.

I'm glad I've got some 'Black Track' - imo painting Friuls beats the object of them so a chemical weathering process will be ideal. It's not 'Blacken It, it's designed for use on Friuls. ''Black Track' comes in three bottles, each does it's own job. You immerse your tracks (assembled) into a vessel full of each the first bottle then empty it back into the bottle. You then do the same with the second bottle then the third - the third is the main one that causes the surface reaction. It costs £10 for the three bottles and one £10 supply will treat between 3-4 pairs of tracks, depending on the size of the tracks. You could probably do quite a few sets of Panzer I Friuls but only 3 sets of T-34 Friuls.

I'm VERY keen on seeing how it performs. I don't think Blacken it is available in the UK so this is an exciting development! Yes

WIP update tomorrow. It will only be a simple one as I've not managed to even snip an item from a sprue today but it will be a start! I could do a bit now, now that my work report is finished, but I'd rather get in the right frame of mind and sit down for a proper session.


Ben  Toast

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Texas
Posted by wbill76 on Saturday, November 20, 2010 1:57 PM

The 38(t) family of vehicles provides for a lot of variety and is one of my favorite groups for German armor. Looking forward to seeing your build on this one. Beer

  • Member since
    January 2007
Posted by the doog on Saturday, November 20, 2010 1:59 PM

Hey I remember this tank! Embarrassed

This is a great kit, Ben---you really don't need the Friuls for it, honestly; the kit tracks are excellent. You should save the Friuls for a 38T-based older kit that has indy-link tracks. I would have told you that the barrel is entirely unnecessary as well. This kit really builds up perfectly out of the box. If anything, it would have benefited from some PE shields or details. Just trying to say, think and review before spending your money on the next kit's accessories.Wink

The straight-dunklegelb finish is plausible, though not as common as the three-color by this point in the war. I'll be interested to see what you do with this one.

  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Saturday, November 20, 2010 2:30 PM

Hey Karl,

Normally I'd have happily gone with the kit tracks but I've just got some Black Track - it's basically a UK version of Blacken It and is sold as a Friul 'chemical weathering' product. It's been ordered and should be here by Tuesday and I am DESPERATE to try it out! When I ordered the Friuls I saw that the barrel was only £3, so hey, why not! Stick out tongue

I might look at a Voyager set to use as PE Schurzen. I think I could do a good job with this kit and I love working on a plain Dunkelgelb base. You know me though, I'm always changing my mind. I'll get her built up then take stock and make a decision on whether I want to use a normal Dunkelgelb base coat or go crazy and go with the Ambush scheme - now then, where's that Blu-Tack? Wink

A white washed ambush scheme - now that's an idea! As you say, I'll be doing plenty of research into producing a good Hetzer!

Thanks for looking in Karl,

WIP update tomorrow,


Ben Toast

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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Posted by PANZERWAFFE on Saturday, November 20, 2010 4:58 PM

38(t) makes great bases for vehicles.  These little Hetzer's always look awesome.  Really glade to see you start this one.  thought you might like these photo's

Hope you enjoyBig Smile




  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Sunday, November 21, 2010 6:53 AM

Sweet! Thanks Rob Yes

Great photos buddy, they will come in very handy. There's some good stowage ideas portrayed in a couple of the photos which is great.

I'm still undecided on the paint scheme - I was quite happy to go with a straight Dunky scheme and then I'm thinking that if I can pull off a good ambush scheme then I'd be well chuffed! I'll get the kit built and lay down the Dunkelgelb then ask you lot for your thoughts re the paint scheme going forward.

The other thing which I'm thinking on which Karl mentioned too is the fenders. luckily they go on last and the Tamiya one's are waaay to chunky and come on one long length so I might look at some replacements so I can show a couple missing and a couple bent up and beaten etc.

Thanks again for the photos Rob - much obliged Sir Toast

WIP update will be posted tonight.


Ben Cool

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Spring Branch, TX
Posted by satch_ip on Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:05 AM

I just saw in the Archer catalog they had ambush scheme dry transfers.  I think they are the yellow dots applied after the redbrown and green.  Don't know if they work or what the really look like, just saw them in the catalog.


Go ahead do the ambush!  It looks awesome.

  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Sunday, November 21, 2010 12:49 PM

Hey Satch,

Like I say I'll complete the basic build and then take stock.

I like the ambush scheme and I know I'll be able to do it but at the same time I haven't done a monotone Dunkelgelb scheme before and, weathered correctly, it could look stunning - saying that a top notch Ambush scheme would be even more stunning!

Decisions eh?

Anyway, with work ruining my day yesterday and sorting the new PE grills out on my JP today I got as far as opening the Hetzer box, washing some parts in the sink & removing all the items for the first steps that involve the running gear and cleaning them up with an Emery Board. I'll leave the wheels off until last as I like to be able to get some good weathering going on behind the wheels on the lower hull. It looks like I'll have to wait until next weekend to get stuck into my build now but I'll get plenty of research done in the week.

Have a good week chaps,


Ben Cool

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:42 PM

Hi guys,

I hope you are all very well - it's heavily snowing here all over the UK and is bloody freezing so it's ideal modellng weather! I haven't got to go out at all this weekend so all I've got to do is build models and watch a bit of TV! Oh how awful Wink

I've managed to get stuck into my Hetzer at last and have done the running gear and lower hull - I'll be leaving them big 38t wheels off for weathering off build as I normally do. Karl has kindly sent me a couple of links, one to his wheels tutorial in which he did made painted and weathered some amazing 38t wheels so I'm hoping to take some inspiration from that. Cheers Karl Toast

I ordered some Vallejo Panzer Aces paints the other day and the shop put a few Vallejo leaflets in the box. The Panzer Aces leaflet has a beautiful mid production Hetzer on the back showing what paint was used where on it via arrows. Weathering wise It's how I want to do mine mine so I'm going to be working from that as best I can. I'll be using the Ambush Scheme that you can see in the colour Tamiya paint guide in the sprue picture

I'm going to either scratch build some side panels from a 6" x 10" sheet of 0.10" thick brass sheet as the kit panels are all in one piece . If I struggle with the brass sheet I'll cut the kit panels into sections so I can have a couple missing/hanging off/damaged etc plus I want to show off the tracks a bit more as I've just received my 'Black Track' kit from a guy here in the UK that sells Friul stuff and I really want to try this stuff out - it's a bit like Blacken It but ideal for Friuls as all it does is cause a chemical reaction with the lead and doesn't damage the thin wire joins. I'll see how it performs - the reviewing magazine gave it a glowing report.

One thing I'm not sure about is the looped tow cables that are are supposed to be mounted on the rear plate. Tamiya supplies them as one moulded piece (you can see the two locator holes for where they are supposed to be mounted on the rear panel) but I'm thinking about using the Hetzer Tow cables that I showed in my first post on this thread in their place? I'm not sure yet.

Onto the build:

The picture on the Vallejo Paint Sheet - Ideal Weathering/Chipping!

The Sprues: 

View of lower hull:


Rear view of lower hull: 

Thanks for looking folks,

Work on the upper sections will begin tomorrow. There are very parts so the basic build should be pretty quick:


Ben Cool

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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Posted by the doog on Saturday, November 27, 2010 2:40 PM


I'm happy to help, but just a cautionary word--be careful about trying to replicate that model from he Vallejo sheet too closely--that "yellow" that they've used is WAAAAAY too orange. It's nowhere even near Panzer "Dunklegelb".

"Dark Yellow" should be a straw color; almost a tan. And don't worry about your base coat being too light because successive washes and weathering will bring it into perfect spec.. In some of my builds my base coat is literally almost dirty white.

  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Saturday, November 27, 2010 3:56 PM

Hi Karl - I think you've misunderstood what I put buddy so I've re-worded it,

What I was basically saying was that I was going to use either the Ambush / Jigsaw schemes from the Tamiya painting guide but I want to heavily weather it and beat it up like the tank on the Vallejo sheet - there's no way I'm going to try and replicate the paintwork. I'll be using my normal colours. The 'Scheme' on that Vallejo Hetzer was beautiful and intricate but not what I want at all. Like you say - it's orange and, imo,  it's totally unrealistic??? It depends on what you want you want I suppose.

You can see the scheme that I want to use on the Tamiya colour painting guide shown in the Sprue picture - the Ambush scheme with flecks. That's what I've decided on for the time being but I may yet go for the Jigsaw scheme.

Thanks again for the links Karl Yes


Ben Toast

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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Posted by wbill76 on Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:00 PM

Off to a good start with this one Ben and glad to hear you've decided to give the ambush scheme a try! You never know how far your legs will carry you if you don't stretch them a bit every now and then. Wink

  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Sunday, November 28, 2010 3:51 AM


Off to a good start with this one Ben and glad to hear you've decided to give the ambush scheme a try! You never know how far your legs will carry you if you don't stretch them a bit every now and then. Wink

I like that quote Bill. I might try that on some of the unmotivated guys in my team at work! LOL!

That was my thinking - I can't sit in my comfort zone forever and with some sensible masking the ambush scheme shouldn't be that hard Whistling


Ben Big Smile

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Sunday, November 28, 2010 12:26 PM

Good afternoon folks,

Well, the Hetzer basic build is complete and I must say it's been one of the most enjoyable builds that I've done yet. The part count was very low so with a couple of hours spent on hull assembly yesterday afternoon I've finished the remainder of the kit today. A quality Tamiya kit with no niggles whatsoever Yes

The road wheels will be left off until last and the tools / Jack Block etc will be hand painted and fitted after the cammo is on. The remote control roof mounted MG just pushes on/pulls off via a poly cap inside the roof - that will be painted by brush separately too.

She's coming on really well and if anyone fancies a quick and easy cheap build with plenty of scope for some good cammo and weathering then this is it! The kit barrel is fine as it's one piece but seeing as I found this RB one  for only £3 I had to have it, I like the visible rifle detailing inside the muzzle on these RB barrels. Although I'm going to use Friuls the kit supplied L&L tracks or vinyl one piecers are both good. I'd personally use the L&L's if I wasn't using Friuls.

I'm working next Saturday and am at a friends Christmas dinner on the Sunday and the following Saturday I've got my work Christmas Party so I haven't got much time for painting for the next couple of weeks. I'll get the build primed and the base coat laid on but the work on the Ambush Scheme will have to wait for a week or two (unless I can get out of the Works party which I DO NOT want to go to - it's always rubbish)!

The Hetzer build so far minus Shurzen, Jack block, tools, tool box and rear tow cables and road wheels...................




Thanks for looking guys!

Have a good week everyone and thanks to everyone who has given me Hetzer related input to assist with my build so far Yes

Many thanks,

Ben Toast

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Eugene, Oregon
Posted by hughes2682 on Sunday, November 28, 2010 1:24 PM


Sorry to hear of the Tiger build imploding.  That one was coming along nicely.  

I'm glad I caught on to this one.  You've got to love Tamiya builds and, especially after the last.  Nice score on the Fruils.  Please keep the updates flowing.



With enough thrust, pigs fly just fine.

  • Member since
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Posted by PANZERWAFFE on Sunday, November 28, 2010 2:25 PM

Nice clean build, well done.  Do not have one of these yet and looking at yours might have to remedy that soon.  Keep up the good work.  Will be watching with much interest.



  • Member since
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  • From: Rain USA, Vancouver WA
Posted by tigerman on Sunday, November 28, 2010 7:18 PM

One of my favorites. Have one in the stash, so I'll be following it closely.


  • Member since
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  • From: Carmel, IN
Posted by deafpanzer on Sunday, November 28, 2010 8:35 PM

Only couple of hours to build?  Sounds like that's something I will need after my current build DML Marder II as it is most complicated build!  Looking good so far... Yes


  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Monday, November 29, 2010 5:24 AM


Only couple of hours to build?  Sounds like that's something I will need after my current build DML Marder II as it is most complicated build!  Looking good so far... Yes

Hey Andy,

Well, I spent two hours on the lower tub and general cleanup on Saturday and a two hour session yesterday bought me to this point. Part count is very low so obviously that helps!

There was not one point where I encountered any problems at all. Possibly my easiest build yet and I need it as the next kit will be the Dragon Firefly which looks 'testing'!

I can't wait to get some colour on her but with Christmas coming up I've got meals, work parties and general stuff that will be a PITA so this build will carry on into the New Year quite easily.

This kit is highly recommended - a real pleasure to build.

I'll get some primer on her this week and get some basecoat Dunky on her next weekend along with some handpainting of the tools etc. The Ambush Scheme will get done when I get the next afternoon to myself which, I reckon, will be on the 18th December Angry



Ben Toast

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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  • Member since
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  • From: Texas
Posted by wbill76 on Monday, November 29, 2010 4:37 PM

Nice clean build so far Ben, looks like it went together smoothly which is always a treat! Beer

  • Member since
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  • From: Rugby, England
Posted by Hinksy on Wednesday, December 1, 2010 11:33 AM

Hi guys,

Bill: Thanks buddy, I always appreciate a nice comment from your good self! I've just noticed that my post count has passed the magic 1000 mark! Do I win a prize? I'm thinking a new air brush and the new Dragon M7 Priest kit maybe? Mmmmm! Priest!

Just a quick update seeing as I had a half day today and came home early:

I wanted to get the build primed ready for the start of air brush work at the weekend. Everything is primed and loking good. I know a lot of you don't prime as you feel it unecessary but it works wonders for showing up gaps that you couldn't see before - I found quite a few small gaps but big enough to warrant filling.

I always find that my paint sits so much better on a primed surface.

A quick question: In the photo of the primed parts you'll see the moulded coil of two tow cables that go on the rear (the kit cables are in the centre of the photo at the front on the RHS of the Fenders). I'm thinking about ditching them and using the two Hetzer tow cables that I bought separately. I could paint them up, wind them up like the kit ones and scratch two mountings to go in the holes that the kit cables would go into. What do you reckon?

AM Hetzer Tow Cables:


Many thanks guys & take care - WIP update at the weekend,


Ben  Toast

On the Bench - Dragon Pz. IV Ausf. G (L.A.H.) Yes

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