Hey Guys,
WIP update time - I'm on call today so have been on the work phone a lot sorting problems out so I marked a nice point to get to today in readiness for a big 'attack' next weekend. Our customers are selfish interrupting my build time! LOL!
Andy - I'm glad I've got you interested in a Tiger. I'll know youll do something special. I'm a bad influence eh? I've been told that I'm that a few times before, too! I'm still waiting for you to take me up on the offer of painting me a Commander figure for this Tiggy (in Cold Weather clothes)! My figures - no chance (yet).
David - I wouldn't worry matey, I'm on the case! The rear end was all square and when I slapped the additional armour panels on the sides they butted up at the rear all nicely as it should but because of how it is shaped there is a part that protrudes back over the rear panel, see below photos ( text continued below the photos):
David - The assembly seems spot on and, the gaps and assembly where everything 'butts up' are identical both sides and it honestly looks like it should be like that. If I'm not happy prior to paint I'll fill the little gaps with Milliput but it looks fine at present. Just keep an eye open as the build progresses and let me know what you think as I keep blogging If this is the only problem that occurs then I'll be very happy!
Anyway, frontal armour is in place totally now and the horseshoe is on (most important). I've opened out all the holes that are shown beneath the top deck with my Pin Vice. Most have to be opened up anyway but a few are marked for tanks 3, 100 or 123 - you open up the holes that are for your tank only (obviously).
The lower bar which retains the spare tracks links is in place - I'll have to leave the top bar until after painting as I want to insert the spare links separately after weathering with a bit of rusting etc.
Hatches and 'scopes are done, covers are on, top deck has been dry-fitted and it fits PERFECTLY! It was a teeny bit tight so I've took a whisher off the top deck guides which slot in behind the frontal armour and it couldn't be better now.
Next week I satart with the rear grilles and photoetch intakes, then onto the turret. Tools and wheels last. I have an RB turned Barrel, Quickwheel mask, spent and live shell cases and a brass bucket (pre-formed) all on order. I am still undecided about the Friuls!
Some photos from today (remember the top deck is not fixed in place yet):
That's it for today guys - I hope you like!
I'll definately be building a Zimmed Mid Production Tiger next year - great fun!
This kit is superb (so far at least). No fitment issues, no noticeable instruction screw ups apart from the order in which way Dragon show you to put the frontal armour on. If a buddy hadn't mentioned this on an old blog of his I think it would have been nigh on impossible to assemble the way the instructions ask you to as I tried myself and dry fitted it wouldn't have gone without removing glued parts so I'm pleased I read about that!
Have a good week everyone - update next weekend!
All the best,