OK...lets see
Scott Espins is alive and well. he is on facebook now and then. He has surcome to shipbuilding was the last I heard
So that's what happend to Scott. BTW, what's facebook?
SMJ is also out there but has switched his interest to model RR
Glad to hear he's still into the hobby, but too bad he didn't stay with armor!
panzerguy (ahhh, I miss him) was last seen at the Wings and Wheels sow last fall. He was being overwheled with his job??
Shoot, I totally forgot about him! Another great guy that is missed!
Wing nut is sort of taking a break. He is devoting more time to the job and family for a while.
We miss ya Marc, but we know you'll be back!
PS...Rick is not only on ML but he is MIG USA....
....and Rick is probably waiting for my next order!
That is the S2 from my end.
Rounds Complete!!