TREAD - Thanks for those pics they should be useful when painting to help show some wear. Even though not the same some of the wear should be the same and I just enjoy looking at them. Agree, the power of steam is amazing and elegant.
Well guys, remember me? It has been a while. Time around here has been a rare thing but have been doing little things a little at a time. Not having the time to sit at the bench, I went ahead and cut parts from the sprue tree, wrote the part number down and threw them into small zip lock bags. Anytime I had a few minutes would just grab a few bags and clean / prep the parts. Eventually had quit a few bags done.
Had worked on and wired all lights.....
unfortunately the lights were to hot and had fear of damaging the plastic (melting / warping) so they were left in but not hooked to power any longer.
Front area added styrene under the boiler mount to cover a large gap.
Before further assembly, had to fix the steam pipe too the cylinder / piston. The kit part was short at the connection point on both sides so the pipe was extended on both sides. This pic is one side corrected and the the other side is how it originaly came before correcting.
Not a good pic but this is a close up of the installed pipe were it enters into the cylinder.
Having this correction on the steam pipe also holds it in place snugly and is a great help for aligning things up when putting on the boiler.
Next added airlines made from wire and added the wireing for the lights. The air connections in the front were modified kit parts. Had cut the plastic air hose off and replaced with wire by drilling into the remaining valve and pushing in the wire. This way can later push rubber tubbing over the wire for a more realistic effect. Will also make it flexable for hooking it up to the futer cars. This is the same procedure had done on my Gondola car for those that remember. Here are the pics of all of that and how she looks in the front now.
Have a few more update pics ready and will post them up shortly.
Thanks all for stopping in