Hi guys,
First off please read last post if you haven't already then this one!
Update - with photos:
Paint is on, white aerial marking is on the engine hatch and the antennae is dry fitted. Light filters have been applied and before I start on heavier weathering and apply a matt coat (LIGHT chipping and streaking etc) I'll be using the very glossy surface to assist with pin washes.
I'm working this weekend so now I'm up-to-date I'll be completing the Friuls tomorrow. I bought about 6 0.5mm dia 12" lengths of Brass Rod to use for the links as the Friul wire is so thin they can be pulled apart!
I'll be finishing the Friuls tomorrow and hopefully I'll have time to blacken them too with the AK Blue Burnishing Fluid. I've pre-drilled all links so it's just a matter of inserting the Brass rods now. Then it's FUN TIME! I'm not going to use the PE clamps but will instead use the Tamiya tools and I'll add a thin piece of flat hammered metal wire (5 amp fuse) to fix on to look like clamp releases. I'm keeping my PE clamps.
I've looked at wbill's Pz II chassis Wespe blog on his site - I have to get one! GREAT WORK BILL!
Note: RB Brass Antennae in place and Friuls slowly taking shape! Also note the handpainted aerial recognition marking:
I hope you like her so far - remember she is FAR from complete which is why she is glossy! FEEDBACK NEEDED!
This 312 decal at turret rear really gave me some hassles but after plenty of Micro-Sol she was fine!
Note: RB Brass Antennae in place and Friuls slowly taking shape!
Friuls, 0.5mm dia Brass Rod for links, AK Blue for Panzer Grey Filter and 'Stencil' paint used for the Aerial Marking - also some of the bits of stowage I'm using:
I hope you like her chaps. I'd love to hear any suggestion for weathering/chipping (basically how much)?
Tomorrow I'll get the Friuls finished and Burnished too IF I have time.
Then next week I'll be on the finishing run and starting the weathering and adding stowage!
Take care guys,