there have been a lot of good points made.
i would like to throw in my two cents.
i do not think there should be a limit to the number of group builds.
let the members' interest and willingness to participate decide what
will and won't be a group build.
i understand that everyone will not be able to participate in every build
when stuff runs concurrently.
but we are old enough to be trusted w/ glue and hobby knives;
we should be able to decide if we want to be in one build, the other or both.
if you miss out on a build because you are tied up w/ another project,
perhaps you can start another group build for the same subject
(after the first has finished)
my concern here is as follows:
if there were one build a quarter, and it was done by 'majority rules' voting,
the quarters would might soon break down to
1) sherman
2) german WWII armor
3) modern armor
4) AA or Arty
it could conceivably be years before there is a gun truck build (Monster!),
or a WWI tank build or anything outside of the most popular subjects.
there are many niche areas in armor that are already being pushed to the margin.
but if you can get 4 or 6 guys together to work on Vietnam gun trucks,
they should not be 'made' to wait a few years for their 'turn'.
i don't think there would be a problem w/ a huge proliferation of group builds,
but if there were, and they were active, i think that's a good thing.
i had to skip the Sherman group build, as i had my hands full w/ my Panther.
AND i am one of the tardy Panther crew besides.
i should be done in another day or two.
i would like to get into the towed gun build,
and i will if i have time.
i have no interest in the M1 build, but i certainly would not say
that since i don't want to do it, no one else can!
let the members vote w/ their time & commitment.
if you can get people together for a build,
you should be able to start it.
if there is no interest, or those who would like to participate are already committed to a project
then the build will have to be put off until a the proper numbers can be gathered.
On the other part of the discussion:
i think maybe putting the group builds in the 'tree' in their
respective categories might be a good idea.
i wonder if they could also be 'cross-linked' to a 'Group Build' Topic,
so you could get there either way.
thanks for listening.