Made a lot of progress in the weathering process with the Tiger. This round of effort focused on the pigment weathering. First up were the tracks. I applied a wet mixture of Mig Productions Dry Mud pigment combined with tap water (adding a drop of dishwashing soap to break the surface tension) and applied with a brush.
This is allowed to air dry and looks a bit of a mess, but the next step corrects that. Using a round stiff-bristled brush, I adjusted the dried pigments working one link at a time.
This treatment is applied to both sides of the track run to get the overall effect.
Then it was the hull and suspension's turn. Same approach but the wet mix here is Dark Mud pigments and has a couple extra steps involved.
Excess pigment is removed with a larger brush vs. the one used on the tracks.
More pigment is removed/adjusted using Q-tips, dry for the most part but using wet ones were the pigment was more stubborn.
Until finally the end result is achieved, producing a nice layered result working off the earlier washes, scuffing/chipping, etc.
Then it was time to mount the tracks. The sprockets and idler were added and the tracks installed to both sides.
And that's where the Tiger sits for now, just a few small details to work on as the last elements to complete it.