Very nice indeed. The dynamic duo strike again.
I have to agree with renarts. The challenge to improve a kit often calls for the modeller to add things not supplied with the kit itself. Little things like boxes, baggage, tarps, camo nets, etc can all be made from simple stuff lying around the home. Making these yourself and seeing the result can give you as much a buzz as building the kit alone. (Don't forget, making these extras yourself gives you something to do before the next spending spree
Jerry cans, ammo boxes, etc can also be bought at a fairly reasonable price too.
If you haven't got a pin vice yet, like Shermie suggested, you can drill out the gun barrels with the new blade of a knife - just be very careful. Or you can slip a drill bit in some hobby knife handles.
Go the Tamiya Mobelwagon vs the P38, or the Acadamy version of the old Tamiya Wirblewind if you want another cheaper OOB build. Can't think of any kits of Japanese AA guns off the top of my head.