Thanks a lot, Dogfish7! I upped the tempo a little, and I already have a new updete for you! I tackled the taillights - modified the kit parts a little by boxing them, I also covered the lenses with BMF, and then painted the red portion with clear red by Humbrol, the white portion with matt white, also by Humbrol, just so that the silver would look through. Ended up like this:
Then I continued the work on the fenders. Like I already shown you loong time ago, here's what I started with:
On the top you see the hangers, modified "Mack style", on the bottom the quarter fenders. All the parts were dechromed, puttied, and Alcladed. After that (took mem months!), they looked like this:
You can also see I bought the rear skirts, printed on white vinyl. It's a product number US30A from a small company called Flemming Pedersen. I also fabricated fittinb brackets with bolts to show mounting hardware for the vinyl. I painted the back of the vinyl sheet with Humbrol 32 (dark grey), and assembled the fenders. Done they looked like this:
I was a pure pleasure, to dry-fit them to the chassis. Together with the taillighs they look like this:
I think it's high time I did something about putting the cab on the frame - scary as that may seem
Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. Please stay tuned and have a nice day