Thanks again, Ian!
I realize that I should do a tutorial on my bases, but to be honest, I get in something like a state of zen when I'm doing certain steps, where I'm completely lost in the moment of capturing something I see in my head, and I just never think to stop and phtograph it. Hope you can use the technique/tip I just tried to describe!
somenewguy--hey, thanks for the compliment! I didn't realize that this build really didn't take that long I guess, in relation to some of my other projects? I was actually surprised how quickly it came together once I got the "Bunnies" in....those darned bunnies held up the show while they were being shipped! LOL!
Thanks too, Bgrigg! I'm happy that ou like it!
And LO51 MERC; thanks for commenting! The model is intact as is--I'm not sure what you mean about the fender being from a "210" (?!?!) I did remove the molding on the left front that what you are seeing?
Thanks again, all, for your comments!!!!