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Attack Tomahawk 1/100 - W.I.P.

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  • Member since
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  • From: Central IL
Posted by SLW 45 on Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:07 PM

J you are the man !!! And I cant wait to see this bad boy done my freind Big Smile


  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:44 AM

Gunpla Master

WOW, nice.  Your dry brush tutorial was worth re-looking this thread up to see  where you had got too.  Had no idea it was this far along.  I like it.Toast


Thank you. The trick w/ the drybrushing is to use a slightly lightened version of the base color, so as to avoid a glazed look. You want the details to be noticeable from a distance, but not the paint itself.

Haven't had a chance to work on this of late, but as of tonight I should be able to get a lot more done on this (and other kits) in the near future. Thank you for the support. Smile


  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:40 AM


Excellent work! The bits you glued to the legs really add up to the whole model.

And thanks for sharing how you did it. Hope you don't sue me for copying some material Wink


Thank you, and no, I don't mind at all. Cool  I've learned almost everything I know about modeling from others, and I'm glad for the opportunity to pass some of it on.


  • Member since
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  • From: North Carolina
Posted by Gunpla Master on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 9:32 PM

WOW, nice.  Your dry brush tutorial was worth re-looking this thread up to see  where you had got too.  Had no idea it was this far along.  I like it.Toast

/ ]

  • Member since
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  • From: México
Posted by SteelSnail on Thursday, August 12, 2010 11:55 AM

Excellent work! The bits you glued to the legs really add up to the whole model.

And thanks for sharing how you did it. Hope you don't sue me for copying some material Wink

  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Thursday, August 12, 2010 4:15 AM

Thanks guys. Much appreciated. Smile

  • Member since
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  • From: Central IL
Posted by SLW 45 on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 7:59 PM

Man J she looks awsome . One day to have your skills that my goal my friend Bow Down


  • Member since
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  • From: Sydney, Australia
Posted by Phil_H on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 7:47 PM

She's looking very nice with the decals on and the subtle weathering. Cool

  • Member since
    December 2007
  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 5:13 PM

Big Smile Patience, my friend. Good things come, and all that.

 Okay, the model itself is mostly finished. I may make some minor improvements, but this is very close to the way it will look when done.

I dry-brushed all the edges and corners w/ Dark Tan, to blend the washes and to highlight the darker areas.

Then I mixed Radome Tan w/ Dark Tan, again at about 50/50, and dry-brushed the edges on all the upper parts. I went heavier and heavier the higher on the kit I went.

The nice thing about this particular painting style is that it gives good definition and depth to things that might otherwise look  kinda flat. It gives similar results to an oil filter/wash, only it's more precise and predictable. Downside is, you can only do it w/ an airbrush.

Here it is:


  • Member since
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  • From: Central IL
Posted by SLW 45 on Sunday, August 8, 2010 7:08 PM

Waiting on the next time Whistling


  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Saturday, August 7, 2010 10:12 PM


A good drill bit set is well worth it, IMHO.

Glad to hear the pictures were useful.

And well, let's just say that thanks to your OCD I'm learning a lot, so don't stop.Oh wait, you can't, right? that's what OCD is all about, ha, ha, ha.


 Surprise Aawww man, I see how you are. Making fun of a man for his foibles. That's just mean, man. Mean.

Wink Big Smile

I see your point with the base. It does gives the impression of being a road.


Thanks man. I'm glad someone sees it besides me. I tossed it into some paint stripper to start again. The next time it should look better.



  • Member since
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  • From: North Carolina
Posted by Gunpla Master on Saturday, August 7, 2010 9:44 AM

Good morning CosmicJ, I thought that is where I saw the drills the 1st time but forgot about.  I will look into, did find a set thru a web site but lets just say the fella thought they were gold and I in noway would pay what he wanted, much like kits, everyone thinks their is worth more!  Just wondering where U @ on this, want to see that beast standing on the flight deck!Surprise

/ ]

  • Member since
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  • From: México
Posted by SteelSnail on Thursday, August 5, 2010 3:51 PM

A good drill bit set is well worth it, IMHO.

Glad to hear the pictures were useful.

And well, let's just say that thanks to your OCD I'm learning a lot, so don't stop.Oh wait, you can't, right? that's what OCD is all about, ha, ha, ha.

I see your point with the base. It does gives the impression of being a road.

  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Wednesday, August 4, 2010 9:27 PM

Thanks guys, I really appreciate the support. You make the effort of posting worth it. Cool

GM: I got the drill bits from Micro Mark about 10 years ago. They were an odd lot of used but resharpened carbide drill bits. They were actually really cheap at the time. Maybe you could find some there for a reasonable price - if you do, let me know, I just busted my last one. Big Smile


SteelSnail: Thanks for posting those. The resolution and especially the size were just what I needed. Those leg parts are indeed similar to those in the Defender kit, only much cleaner and better detailed - I ordered one today.

I'm sorry man. It wasn't my intent to make anyone feel bad - I just thought I'd share some of the basic techniques I use to make simple kits a little better looking. Just because I develop OCD every time I build a kit doesn't mean you should feel obligated to. Big Smile

I don't like the base because I don't think it looks like the deck of a carrier. To me, it looks more like the side of a road. The dotted lines are too long and wide, and the numbers are too small. It could also use another color, like maybe some yellow and black emergency striping or something.

I don't know, I'm going to wait until i finish the kit, and then see if I'm okay w/ it.Right now, I'm leaning towards a repaint - its real easy to do, the whole paint job on the base only took about an hour.



  • Member since
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  • From: México
Posted by SteelSnail on Sunday, August 1, 2010 5:21 PM

It's looking great. I don't know what is it about the base that you didn't like. 

I'm feeling embarrassed because I generally don't put that much effort into sci-fi kits Embarrassed

I had some problems with my camara so I had to take the pictures with my cell phone, which is not bleeding edge one:

  • Member since
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  • From: North Carolina
Posted by Gunpla Master on Sunday, August 1, 2010 2:16 PM

You just keep on impressing me.  I just love it when I see someone go outside the box and try different things to come up with a build, just as you are doing here.  I noticed the drill bit, I want a set of those, but the $ tag keeps backing me down.  Maybe for that special Birthday Gift I always seem to get myself ea. year.  " Embarrassed did I sat that", come on, you know you do it, oh honey don't worry about buying me anything for my BD, use your money to buy you sum thingConfused  Then I go and get what I want, hey you are never disappointed you did not get that kit or new tool you have been lusting for all year. LOL  Oh no I might be corrupting someoneIndifferent.  No I usually let her know what my intent is, keeps peace, when mommy is happy, the house is happy.  Looking forward to more Cosmic J.  Captial Ships huh, arn't you just the talented one!Bow Down

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  • Member since
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  • From: Central IL
Posted by SLW 45 on Sunday, August 1, 2010 12:38 PM

Man that is looking great

and the guys guiding it out to battel or whatever is awsome

Cant wait to see this finished Bow Down


  • Member since
    December 2007
  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Sunday, August 1, 2010 1:46 AM

 Okay, on to the base. Originally, this was going to be just a quickie build – something lightweight and fast  in between more complicated models – so I didn’t plan anything too complex for a display.

Instead of cutting a piece of wood or plastic, I just went into the spares box. A few years ago, I bought these ready made bases from Kotobukia/Modeling Support Goods. I was going to put a MaK or two on them, but never got around to it.

I also had Hasegawa’s U.S. Pilot / Ground Crew set – I bought it specifically to get the pilot figures for a sci-fi attack helicopter kit, but the other figures might look interesting w/ this model. They’re the wrong scale, but I think they look close enough that only a die-hard Macross fan would notice.

I started by assembling and cleaning up a couple of the figures, and then drilling holes in their feet for thin brass rods. Unfortunately, I broke one of my last drill bits off inside the one figures leg. Sad  Unable to retrieve it, I drilled into the other leg…

I painted the edges of the base flat black, and then push fit the model together to get an idea how much space I have to work with, and where things might go. I liked this setup – the one figure guiding the mech, and another walking alongside checking something on the foot while ducking the swinging arm – so I drilled some holes for the rods and put them in place temporarily – this is what it looked like:


Now, from my hazy memories, these Destroids were stationed on the SDF-1, and the SDF-1 was partially constructed from aircraft carriers (I think)… so I decided to paint the base like a carrier deck. I looked at some carrier models in back issues of Finescale for inspiration.

I started by masking the edges, then sprayed a fairly even coat of Camouflage Grey mixed 50/50 with Light Sea Grey. Then I masked off some stripes, and put down some dry transfer numbers.

I then painted the surface Aircraft Interior Black. After that, I added some random light spots by mixing neutral grey into the black and spraying some cloud like shapes in random patterns around where the mech will be standing. I removed the tape and the transfers before the paint had completely dried. This is what I came up w/:

 I don’t like it. I’m right on the edge of tossing it in the paint stripper and starting over. What do you guys think of it?

While I was mulling over repainting the base, I painted the various gun barrels. Flat black for a base coat, then a heavy drybrush of Jet Exhaust. The machine guns were fitted into the head from inside the arm hole, and fixed in place w/ a drop of superglue.

Next, I sprayed the kit w/ a layer of Glosscote to prep for decaling. It’s interesting how the clear layer changed the look of the painted surface – I’m liking it more now.

 Since this was only a $6 kit, I expected the decals to give me some trouble. They were very thick and glossy, so I lightly sanded them w/ an 800 grit sanding stick to take some of the shine off.

Then I went to apply them, and knew I was in trouble when they began to silver as soon as they hit the water, while still on the backing paper…

I got the decals into position with some Microset solution, and then hit them hard w/ Microsol. They still silvered. So I re-coated them w/ more Microsol  - each application seemed to reduce the silvering a little, so I just kept hitting them. Some had as many as 8 applications applied over the course of three days, but it worked, almost all the silvering disappeared. Man, I really like that stuff.

Considering how much trouble the other makings gave me, the D7 decal on the rounded section gave me no grief at all. Went down perfect right away. I am quite pleased. Cool

Once all that was dry, I mixed up an enamel wash – 1 part each of Black, Burnt Umber and Dark Tan, to about 20 parts thinner. I used this mix to accent panel lines and other surface details like rivets. I then set it aside to dry for a few days. It's a little bit heavy in places, but i expect the next step to tone it down some.

 Almost done…



  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Sunday, August 1, 2010 1:22 AM
Cosmic J:
I’m not a fan of the Phalanx design. The "arms" are a bit too big for my taste – they overwhelm the rest of the kit. However, I was thinking I could use the legs and body from that model as replacements on my Defender kit, which really suffers in those areas. If you have pictures of the Phalanx parts, I wouldn’t mind seeing them.
No problem. I'll take some pictures when I get home although, if memory doesn't fail me, they are similar or identical.
I really like how it is turning out. Thanks for sharing how you dealt with the seams in the guns/arms.


Cool, and Thank you. Big Smile



SLW 45

J Love the way it is looking

Now I am waiting on the base knowing your past work it will be something

Why arent there SI FI group builds  MaKs would be another good one Gundams

there are alot of great kits in this catagory 

Heck just a Si Fi group buld could really be fun

 We’ve tried a couple of Sci-Fi GBs in the last couple of years. The Star Wars one went well, but the others mostly fizzled. When I want a GB badge, I usually find a way to finagle a Sci-fi kit into a “regular” GB as a “what-if” kind of thing. It never hurts to try though… Smile


Gunpla Master

Just look @ U, slipped one in and I was not watching, been busy else where as you know.  Really like what you are doing with this and as everyone else has said, this is tha BOMB!

 Heh!  Thank you.


Gunpla Master
SLW 45:
J Love the way it is looking
Now I am waiting on the base knowing your past work it will be something
Why arent there SI FI group builds  MaKs would be another good one Gundams
there are alot of great kits in this catagory 
Heck just a Si Fi group buld could really be fun
SLW 45 if'n we sweet talk Cosmic J, we might get him to build a Ma.k in the future as a WIP too.  Watch this fella, he is humble, but he is a master builder with much to teach!  I for one am a fan of his and I too would like to see a Sci-Fi Group Build here, regardless of the subject, something simple so the younglings could join in too.  Sorry f/hi-jacking your thread Comsic J, but since I buttered ya soooo goood, I figured U wouldn't mind.  GM


Aw man, I don't know. I’ve built a lot of MaKs over the last few years… I’m kind of in a Capital Ships phase right now (this kit was originally intended as a one month only sort of thing…).

 Maybe. You set it up, and I’ll see about jumping in. No promises though. Smile


  • Member since
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  • From: Central IL
Posted by SLW 45 on Thursday, July 29, 2010 8:58 PM

Oh yes

Cosmic J you really need to do some more MaK

Bow Down


  • Member since
    May 2010
  • From: North Carolina
Posted by Gunpla Master on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:25 PM

SLW 45

J Love the way it is looking

Now I am waiting on the base knowing your past work it will be something

Why arent there SI FI group builds  MaKs would be another good one Gundams

there are alot of great kits in this catagory 

Heck just a Si Fi group buld could really be fun

SLW 45 if'n we sweet talk Cosmic J, we might get him to build a Ma.k in the future as a WIP too.  Watch this fella, he is humble, but he is a master builder with much to teach!  I for one am a fan of his and I too would like to see a Sci-Fi Group Build here, regardless of the subject, something simple so the younglings could join in too.  Sorry f/hi-jacking your thread Comsic J, but since I buttered ya soooo goood, I figured U wouldn't mind.  GM

/ ]

  • Member since
    May 2010
  • From: North Carolina
Posted by Gunpla Master on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:20 PM

Just look @ U, slipped one in and I was not watching, been busy else where as you know.  Really like what you are doing with this and as everyone else has said, this is tha BOMB!

/ ]

  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Central IL
Posted by SLW 45 on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 7:03 PM

J Love the way it is looking

Now I am waiting on the base knowing your past work it will be something

Why arent there SI FI group builds  MaKs would be another good one Gundams

there are alot of great kits in this catagory 

Heck just a Si Fi group buld could really be fun


  • Member since
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  • From: México
Posted by SteelSnail on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:24 PM

Cosmic J

I’m not a fan of the Phalanx design. The "arms" are a bit too big for my taste – they overwhelm the rest of the kit. However, I was thinking I could use the legs and body from that model as replacements on my Defender kit, which really suffers in those areas. If you have pictures of the Phalanx parts, I wouldn’t mind seeing them.

No problem. I'll take some pictures when I get home although, if memory doesn't fail me, they are similar or identical.

I really like how it is turning out. Thanks for sharing how you dealt with the seams in the guns/arms.

  • Member since
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  • From: Sydney, Australia
Posted by Phil_H on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 9:14 AM

Cosmic J
I see those VFs at reasonable prices now and again, are they worth getting?

Though they are unmistakably VF-1 Valkyries, to my eye, they have some dimensional issues. I'm not enamoured by the nose/ forward fuse, which seems to be too narrow, too shallow  and the nose cone too long and pointed. Panel lines are engraved and quite deep.

Parts fit isn't great -  a certain amount of filing. sanding and filling to be done to get it to look presentable.

Back in the '80's when they were $4.00-$5.00, well, you got what you paid for - I wouldn't want to be paying much more than that for them now. If you want a "fighter mode" Valk, the Hasegawa kits can't be beat.

  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:33 AM

Cool. I think the next on I'll do in green - Israeli armor green and olive drab might look neat.

I also have a 1/100 Destroid Defender kit by Arii, but I am not impressed by it.

I wouldn't mind seeing either that SDF-1 or the VF-1. I see those VFs at reasonable prices now and again, are they worth getting?

Decals on this were actually a bit of a problem, but I'll get to that. Big Smile

  • Member since
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  • From: Sydney, Australia
Posted by Phil_H on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:59 AM

No reason why you can't build another one. We just don't see much Macross stuff being built these days, so the more the better.. Big Smile

Even if we don't do it as a GB, maybe we should just start churning them out... LOL.

I have a 1/5000 SDF-1 (attack mode) which I pull out every now and then and think about building.

And yes. a 1/48 Valk would be very nice.... Big Smile

I just recently finished an  Arii 1/100 VF-1J made up of someone's previously started build and some leftover parts. The paint job ran away from me a little though and it was just one of theose "get it done and out of the way" efforts.

Hopedully the decals with your Tomahawk will be better than the quarter century old ones that I had. No adhesion problems or cracking (except when over-maniputlated) but they took a very long time to release from the backing (some 5+ mins) They went on (mostly) ok though.

  • Member since
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  • From: Louisville, KY.
Posted by Cosmic J on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:39 AM

Yeah, but it was an easy fix. I did remember to seal it w/ Testor's Glosscote before masking the second time though. Big Smile

Group build could be very cool. Would it be bad if I just build another one of these? I see so many little things I could have done better...

One of those new 1/48 Valkyries would be cool too, just need to save up a bit first. Cool

  • Member since
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  • From: Sydney, Australia
Posted by Phil_H on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:20 AM

Shame about the spotlight. I dread masking over metallics,  good that you got it sorted though.

I wonder if we can rustle up enough members who might be interest ed in a Macross GB.... ??


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