The Zaku is near to finish.
Started to apply custom decals on glossed parts:
he is number zero seven !
Used superset and supersol for decals fixing.
trhusters shaping finished
as seen in previous steps i covered the huge holes for legs power conductors,using the original the mobility of the mech will be compromised.. then it's time to did new conductors:
Using again fruit juice straw for conductors armor, and inner conductors using meshed metal tubes from autos details
approximate cut of two tubes (or wires... boohh the metal meshes in the picture!!)
added a copper wire inside
the final tube will result a little larger but evenly looks good
Fixed with CA glue the first armor pieces
and the other pieces on
..finding the right length..
... too long.. need to remove one or two armor piece
better seems to me..
so leaving the power tubes and
virtually all piees received the first coat of clear gloss , backpack and skirts min parts excluded..
a little messy on the box
that's all for tonight