Folks -
Sorry for neglecting my log for so long...
Dan - your deck is looking terrific... Getting the planking pattern correct is a tricky business and I like the effort you've put into it.
Bill - Welcome aboard and your timing is impeccable... I'm just now giving attention to the deadeyes. Arnie achieved a great result using deadeyes from Model Expo and I think Chuck Passaro offers some nice alternatives via his Syren Ship Model Company. I elected to go with the Bluejacket versions... They are scaled for our model and come nicely cast with stropping in white metal. It took very little effort to clean them up and get them ready for painting and fitting. I'll post some progress pictures soon. Here are the sizes I ordered:
3/32" Item# F0202 (Stropped)
1/8" Item#F0203 (Stropped)
5/32" Item#F0204 (Stropped)
3/32" Item# F0320 (Scored- Upper)
1/8" Item#F0321 (Scored- Upper)
5/32" Item#F0322 (Scored- Upper)
I also included some 1/8" Triple blocks (Item#F0368) for use on the forward shrouds (Main and Fore only) for the "Swifters" - essentially adjustable shrouds. More to come on that.
Depending on the rigging plan you choose, you can add up the needed amounts. These are sold by the dozen. The 1/8" deadeyes are for the backstays on the channels as well as the deadeyes on the topmasts. The 3/32" deadeyes are for the upper mast backstay deadeyes.
Bill - regarding the complexity of the kit... I will say that ANYONE can do what I have done - and to some extent I've tried to show my methods so that others can follow the same path (or make improvements!). Nothing I have done is hard. What IS hard is overcoming the repetition and tedium that inherently accompanies a sailing ship model of this size. I've tried to take the approach that many other fine modelers on this and other sites have done - break the beast down into smaller bite sized components and tackle each with equal attention to detail. This is not one model I'm building - it is 101 small models that collectively will represent the US Frigate Constitution when I am done. None of these smaller models is hard to make - anyone, for example, can modify the kit cannon to produce a very fine miniature model of a 24 pounder gun. But now I have to make 29 more of them. And 24 Carronades...And eventually rig many dozen ratlines... If you have a passion for model building and an abiding interest in this subject and you are game for pulling up a chair to spend many evenings making a few dozen of the same thing (or hand drilling many dozen small holes as I have done in the past few weeks), then I think you'll do fine.
Clearly I have not been in a great hurry. As the Prof points out, I started this build many moons ago. But I should point out that I don't work on it very often. As anyone following my build will quickly realize, the updates come in fits and spurts - much like my workshop time. Many weeks can go by when I don't touch it at all. Other times I'll spend most of a rainy Saturday head down with glue and styrene and airbrush. If I worked on this even an hour or two every week I'd be halfway thru the rigging by now. I probably average much less than an hour per week over the past three years. Much less.
All that being said, I very much enjoy working on my model in between other life stuff... When I'm not out making a living, I have kids that play sports and a wife that keeps all of the family active in neighborhood social life, charity work, and school projects and I fit my modeling time in between the seams - as many other modelers do...
So don't look to me to discourage anyone from jumping in on a big project like this - I'm the poster child for someone who started with limited modeling skills and has enjoyed improving as I get deeper into this project. But certainly take a deep breath first and open the box with a full understanding of what it will entail to come out the other side with a completed kit that meets your expectations: patience, passion, and multiple hundreds of extra dollars if you want to bring it to a level beyond what Revell provides.
I hope I can look forward to following your progress and do not hesitate to ping me for any input or clarification along the way.
Happy modeling!