You bet!
I should get my kits soon.
Fred are the well decks flush with the sides?
On my T2 since they were, I replaced the little sections of upward curved bulwarks at the 'castles and deck house with thin plastic. A detail.
My plan is to avoid adding any plastic, and minimizing seams. As Fred notes, it's important to work in the area with a constant section. Since I don't have the kit I am guessing, but that looks to be in the middle third or so.
In principle- mark the mid point of all four pieces of hull.
Shift aft 1 3/4" on each half of one set and mark cut. Shift forward 13/4" on each half of the other set and mark cuts. Or adjust slightly if plating detail suggests otherwise.
My technique from doing this a bit on aircraft models- tape the cut line with the piece of tape in the "save" side. Spray the scrap side a contrasting color. Remove tape and cut hull about 1/16" into the paint.
Sand on a flat surface until all painted material is gone.
Mate all four of the longest pieces together with splices at once. One other tip is that I have found the thicknesses of halves of hulls to really vary a bit from kit to kit, side to side etc.
So sometimes it is worth getting the outsides flush and clamped that way before going to town pregluing inside tabs at the splice. Better to have misalignment of surfaces in the hold rather than in the water.
Probably I will then lengthen the openings at the well decks, towards the deck house.