Thanks, guys!
I'll be careful to secure the carriages to the decks. I 'm actually thinking of leaving some (or even all) of the gunports closed...if I go that way, I won't even be building many of the guns...seems like the gunports would be closed if a ship were showing furled sails or bare poles, am I right? On the other hand, it looks more dramatic to have all the ports open and the guns run out...I'm still on the fence about it. Also, as far as rigging the guns on the upper deck...all the photos I've seen of rigged guns for a Soleil Royal model look really wonky, out of scale, and cluttered...giant blocks, tons of line everywhere...they just seem too busy. If I can find a way to get it looking right, I'll rig them to a certain degree, but I may also just rig breeching lines or some other, less clumsy, amount of rigging for the guns.
I basically decided on two different heights for the gunport tackle: all the ports forward of the "entry ladder" (or whatever it's called!) will be above the wale, and the ports aft of the ladder will be below that wale, OR 5mm above the port, depending on how low the ports go below the wale (at the furthest aft, they get as low as 3/8" below it. So there's that.
With all the holes to drill (about 250, including 2 for each port lid, and 2 for each area above the lids) I was hoping to be able to use a Dremel-type tool and a tiny bit...but my rotary tool is single-speed, and it goes so fast that it melts the plastic a bit, which causes the shavings to stick to the I would have to clean the bit after every hole...instead, I just decided to go the ol' fashioned vise, by hand. I've made a few little jigs that are the same width as each different size of port lid, with notches to indicate the spacing of the tackle holes...lay the jig on the porthole, make a couple marks with a sharpened punch, then drill them out with the pin vise. After about 28 holes, got a little bit of finger cramps! But I'm almost 1/8th of the way done, so I guess I can break it down into short sessions and have them all done by next week or so. Won't be too long before I'm spraying basecoats.
_~ )_)_~
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