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1/350 Scale A-4's and Aircraft Payload

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  • Member since
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Posted by Rdutnell on Thursday, February 26, 2015 8:17 PM

Hi Guys,

I received the test print of the armament kit and thought I would post pictures of them.  C2D should make them available soon.


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Posted by Rdutnell on Saturday, February 7, 2015 8:48 PM

Thanks seasick.  I do too.  :o)  I doubt I will, but if even one person buys them, likes them and they contribute to the persons modeling enjoyment, I will be happy.  Smile

  • Member since
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  • From: 29° 58' N 95° 21' W
Posted by seasick on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 10:05 PM

Well you already a lot to start with. I hope you get lots sales.

Chasing the ultimate build.

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Posted by Rdutnell on Friday, January 30, 2015 6:22 AM

I’ll bet I missed a lot of things seasick.  Smile

Thanks for letting me know about the mod’s to the later version Bullpups and the Walleye.  I’ll start a list of things I need to add, and if the test print goes OK, and the fins all print, I’ll add them before I activate them.

  • Member since
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  • From: 29° 58' N 95° 21' W
Posted by seasick on Thursday, January 29, 2015 9:29 PM
I did some more research and later versions of AGM-12 Bullpup had a modified design
Another missile I think you missed is the AGM-62 Walleye

Chasing the ultimate build.

  • Member since
    March 2012
Posted by Rdutnell on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 7:51 AM

I’m not sure about anything seasick!  And I appreciate you pointing this out to me.  You too Rex. 

I just screwed up.  I made them by first using a detailed set of plans for the AIM-9H/L/M to design the fins and missile body.  Then I found a drawing showing all the various types of AIMs, and scaled it to match the AIM-9L/M, as seen in the image below.  Next I copied the bodies and aft fins to all of them, lengthened the bodies as needed and made the fins and noses as needed.  I must have just spaced on the 9X, because the plans show just what you guys say!  DOH!!!

At least it will be an easy fix, although it will take a little time, and a lot of dicing and slicing, to redo the fret.  C2D told me that the test print is in the print queue, but I’ll make sure it’s changed before they activate them.

That link didn’t work for me Rex, but I’ll do a search for Hasegawa weapons when I get some time.


  • Member since
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  • From: near Nashville, TN
Posted by TarnShip on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 12:01 AM

here is the size he means, they shouldn't be as big as the ones on the other AIM-9s

hope this is what you meant, Seasick

edit, while we are here,,,,,,,here is a link of 15 weapons sets and the instructions, you can use it for comparing your stuff, somewhat


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  • From: 29° 58' N 95° 21' W
Posted by seasick on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 10:36 PM
Are you sure about the AIM-9X? The AIM-9X has tiny fins on it.

Chasing the ultimate build.

  • Member since
    March 2012
Posted by Rdutnell on Sunday, January 25, 2015 8:48 AM

Good Morning Fellow Modelers!

If you have been following this thread, then you know that I have been thinking about sorting the various payload items by era.  Well, that was going to require research on my part, to find out which items should go where, and I was lazy.  Since there is no reason that I can’t package them in multiple ways, if someone has a preferred selection, I opted to do it the easy way, and sort them by type.

I started with the AIM’s, including 4 of each item on a single fret (as I did with all items), as seen below.  The fret supports are 0.02” diameter, and the connecting parts are 0.01” diameter, which in several cases is the same diameter of the parts.

I then put the GBU and AGM missiles together as a group.  The layout perhaps isn’t the most efficient, as far as optimizing space and minimizing material use, but it was easier to do this way, and the parts are so small that the difference is negligible.

The bombs I did split into two sets, Cold War/Modern…

…And Bombs/Torpedoes – WW2. 

Next, I made a separate set of Pod things, including gun pods, rocket pods and SNEB pods…

…And then put all of the fuel tanks as one set.

The next step is to upload them to C2D and have them printed and shipped to see if they will work.

If you see any thing I screwed up, let me know.  I'm not proud.  And like I said, if someone would rather see a different combination of items, I’m game.


  • Member since
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Posted by Rdutnell on Saturday, January 24, 2015 8:23 AM

Good Morning All!

I found a good source on the internet showing the various AIM-9’s, and added them to my collection.  I’m sure there are many other things I could add, but I’m ready to move on to something else, at least for a while.  I can always add more later, if somebody wants something,  but for now, I have to figure out the best way to package what I have.

  • Member since
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  • From: near Nashville, TN
Posted by TarnShip on Friday, January 23, 2015 12:57 AM

one thing about the tanks

Seasick has them just slightly mixed up, the Skyhawk carried Two 300s on the wing, so they could carry a MER full of 500's on the centerline. The USN option was one 400 on the center if they wanted to carry Two MERs (with only Five 500 pounders on each, or Six 250's) on the innerwing pylon, and either a 500 or smaller on the outerwing or one of the missiles. Other services, such as the New Zealanders, carried Two 400s on the innerwing.

All of this only matters when it comes to how you package them, or if you write up instructions, etc.


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Posted by Rdutnell on Thursday, January 22, 2015 8:22 AM

Thanks seasick!  I appreciate the input!

I’m glad you mentioned the “Bullpup”.  I had made one for my F-5A, but somehow I forgot to copy it over.  I’ve added it now, as seen in the lower left corner of the image below.  I also added the Mk-82 with the fuse extender and the Mk-82 “Snakeye”, as seen on the right.



The image below shows close ups of the Mk-82 with Fuse Extender and Mk-82 “Snakeye”.   Again, these guys are pushing the limits of what can be printed, which is why I had to make the fuse slightly larger than it really is, and at 0.01” diameter I’m afraid it will be too fragile.  Also, the fins have to be 0.006” thick (and probably should be thicker).   Scale effects the appearance of the Snakeyes too, so I did the best I could to make the aft end somewhat resemble a real snakeye.  Remember it is less than 0.3” long.

I’ll look into the various AIM-9’s and the AIM-120C.  I’m also going to look at the JDAM’s again.  Groot had mentioned them earlier, but I couldn’t really figure out how to make them.  I think I may have figured it out now.


  • Member since
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  • From: 29° 58' N 95° 21' W
Posted by seasick on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 10:18 AM

Vietnam era:

AGM-12 "Bullpup"

Vietnam to present

Mk82 bomb - Snakeye

Misc notes:

The A-4 frequently flew with 400 gallon tanks on stations 2 and 4. The heaviest portion of the bomb load on the centerline station.  AIM-9 on the outer stations if necessary.

USN Sidewinders:

AIM-9B (late 1950s early 1960s), AIM-9D (early to middle 1960s) AIM-9G/H (Late 1960s and 1970s), AIM-9L IOC 1977, AIM-9M IOC 1982, AIM-9X IOC 2003

AIM-120C has clipped fins making it visually distinguishable from A/B versions.

Chasing the ultimate build.

  • Member since
    March 2012
Posted by Rdutnell on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 7:22 PM

Thanks for the suggestions Rex.

I added a 3 pack MK-82 bomb cluster, as well as some more tanks and a D-704 re-fueling probe.  I haven’t decided how to do it yet, so right now it’s in 3 pieces, as you can see below.  I’m going to have to look into the 450 gallon tanks though.  They look like they may be too small.

Next, I’m going to look into doing the Mk 20 Rockeye, then I’ll check out the sites Rex sent.

  • Member since
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  • From: near Nashville, TN
Posted by TarnShip on Sunday, January 18, 2015 4:13 PM

oh, and if you are doing this for late Vietnam and up, you would want to include Mk 20 Rockeye, they used those for just about everything, including at sea attack with the APAM version on gunboats under the "litter it with cluster bomblets and it will sink" theory

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  • From: near Nashville, TN
Posted by TarnShip on Sunday, January 18, 2015 4:09 PM

Since you are doing some of these stores for USN aircraft, you might want to add or switch out some of the wing tanks for the correct USN tanks.

The Skyhawk used a 300 gallon most of the time, with a 150 gallon as the early tank size and as an option later on. They also had a 400 gallon tank that was used on the centerline when they wanted to maximize the bomb load, but only carry one tank. Then the D-704 refuelling pod was made from the 400 gallon tank. The 300 gallon tank and the D-704 were used on All the Naval aircraft A-1, A-4, A-6, A-7, with 150s used on Cougars and Skyhawks.

Some aircraft used specific tanks that fit only on that aircraft, such as the 600 gallon centerline on the Phantom, and the three different 370 gallon tanks on the outerwing pylons. Tomcats and Hornets had their own specific tanks, also. Vigilantes used the standard 400 gallon tanks. Furys, Tigers, Demons all used their own specific tanks.

As a 1/700 ship modeler, I figure that if I can "see" the difference in those tanks on my models, then the 1/350 guys can see them easier on theirs.

Google Search Tommy Thomason Blogs  and   for subject  "things under wings" for a bunch of help on real life differences in underwing stores and fuel tanks. Most of his posts also include a few of us discussing variations and etc.


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1/350 Scale A-4's and Aircraft Payload
Posted by Rdutnell on Sunday, January 18, 2015 9:45 AM

I have gotten into making models in AutoCad and having them 3D printed.  I started with 1/144 scale submarines, including USS Greenling (SSN-614)...

...And USS Batfish (SS-310)...

It was a lot of fun, but they are so expensive that I switched to doing small (1/144 and 1/350) scale aircraft.

I have made several models over the last year and Click2Detail (C2D) is now offering them for sale.  One of my more recent projects includes making multiple versions of the A-4, which I am posting a WIP on in the Aircraft section of this forum.

I have completed the CAD models and a l link to the TA-4F model is provided below.

Someone responding to my posts suggested that I should post the A-4’s on the ship forum, and I thought, why not?

I have also had requests for 1/350 scale aircraft payload so I decided to do it.  The image below shows what I have so far.  It was suggested that I split them up by period (WW2, Cold War, Modern) which sounds like a good idea to me.  It was also  again suggested that I post it on the ship forum, and again I thought it was a good idea,  so here we are.  Does anyone have recommendations on what else I should include?


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