You don't belive, but that link You refer above ... was( when I found it almost 9 years ago)...and is, till present moment, my favorite one!!! :))).
In the begining of my building this model, I was under impression of how plastic model could be built ,lets say,couple of years...with lot of questions...how it possible to do this ,or that!!!???(the propblem was, with site language,which I don't know at all and my weak computer skills ,I didn't know how to translate text with author's explanation.) ...but I copied all pictures this modeller posted and study them carefully...later on I found the ways,how to paint plastic to make it looks like wood(how far close - it is limited by my taste and my skills of couse:)),how to make sails and rigging ,at least I learned that in this scale it must be as much detailed as possible,if not reproducing the same techique in details for some reasons...
later on I found another model built on very high level, which imressed me a lot! :))) and gave me good " push" to build my own model and try to follow learned lessons:)))
Francly speaking, most intensive and interesting stage of building this model ,for me personaly, was the period when I study rigging(reading Anderson book mostly) and try to develop my own galleon rigging version as far as I was able to understand Anderson book...at present stage,when need just to complete building,it is much less exiting:))) due to hundreds repeated simple manipulations which need to be done ,but couldn't be avoided...
There is link to one more modeler ,which style I like very much, here He gives detailed explanation abt various techniques of rigging and other interesting modeling aspects... hope it will be interesting ...
I would like to Thanks You and other our colleques of this site for your attention to my project and very positive comments which no doubt give very good and effectipe stimul to continue to work with my model !!! :)))... and I 'm glad you find it interesting.
Thanks a lot!