Jim,EJ & Robert, Thanks for the nice words. I have the masts made & painted & wil do some drilling in them & tie some deadeyes & go on the standing rigging.
I took the 2 parts of the rigging tool & put splints on each side to extend it to the maximum & have the main mast shroud all rigged with 2 sizes of thread, large & small. It does look good, but I will have to figure how best to install them. They are long The kit shrouds are the best,along with Imai, that I have seen. They even have a rope twist engraved in them. They would look good too.
I will post some pictures of my rigging tool shroud, with the extended tool. That is the best & easiest way to make shrouds if you don't want to, or can't tie them. I have tied a bunch in the past on my wood models.