Thanks guys. I really did enjoy this. Ships ain't quick bt i think they are going to be fun.
PJ, the bottom is just a piece of pine shelf board cut to size and routed around the edge. I then used some wood strip, this was 1/4 x 1/4 spruce (i have several sizes for different sized ships) cut to length and nail to the base. I had to file a grove down the middle of these because of the shape of the hull (don't know if its called a keel or not) and then stained it. I ran some wood glue down the middle to keep the boat in place.
I saw these sort of base a few years back some where on line and though it would be better than a pedastal and drilling a hole into the hull. I've tested it on a couple of smaller kits (1/600 belfast, 125 U-Boat) and decided i like the look so will stick with it. When i do my U-Boat it will take a slightly different approach, but i will try and remember to do a how to when the time comes.