As I posted in another post yesterday, I tried out some of the MM acrylic paint in Gunship Gray to see how it performed since I have heard such mixed reviews of it. The test subject was the two fuselage halves of an old Revell 1/32 scale F4U Corsair that I have had since I was a kid and never built, so I thought it would make a good test subject being that it was fairly big to see the results.
All I did for prepping the plastic was to wipe it down with some Poly S Plastic Prep on a paper towel and then I used the airbrush to air dry it.
I mixed the MM acrylic in a 2:1 ratio of paint to thinner with regular tap water and shot it through my Omni 4000 at 14 psi and then at 20 psi and it sprayed beautifully. [:0]
I thought this stuff sprayed terribly from what I have read? Interesting.
The temperature in my garage was 60 degrees and the weather was typical here for CA this time of year.
I thought I would try this paint with a different thinner also so I emptied the color cup and mixed a little more in a 2:1 ration with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol and it sprayed the same as the tap water. I had no specks in the paint and the color was even and smooth.
It is now only 24 hours later and I put some regular cheap Frostking brand masking tape across several different areas of the parts I painted and rubbed the tape down really good with my finger to burnish it somewhat. Despite my best efforts I could not get any paint to lift.
Now I am wondering why I had such good results with it.
Did the Poly S Plastic Prep make the paint adhere better?
Is the Gunship Gray just one of those colors that adheres well and sprays well?
Any of your comments would be appreciated.
“Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not
to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools
for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know
how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. " Charles Spurgeon