Unfortunately my embellished account is close to fact. There is no actual booze (Hawaii drinking laws prohibit the purchasing or consumption of alcoholic beverages for anyone under the age of 21 years) and they don’t hire a DJ (maybe I was just hearing the neighbor’s kids).
But they do release a pheromone, which makes them go nuts. The females (I THINK, as I didn’t check IDs) start running around flapping their wings in short buzzes. The males then jump in and suddenly the patio turns into a cockroach horror movie as dozens of them just start running and clumsily flying everywhere. And there are wild mating choo-choo conga lines. Remember the movie “Bug”? “We live” indeed.
I actually once sat through a swarm as I was almost done painting a model. I hate touching roaches, especially the big ones, but after several of them flew into my drying parts and started going for my neck, hair and face, I got angry and started backhanding them as they approached. The other times when they swarmed, it just got too crazy and there were too many of them to deal with.
And these guys are the big American Cockroaches, yes the kind you find in the garbage and sewers. The weather here is warm all year round, so they are a backyard fixture, hiding in rock and CMU walls by day and roaming the yard at night. We call them “B-52s”, after the famous Boeing bomber, not the 80’s new wave band. Kate Pierson would have hated the ones that head for your hair!
As we like to say “Lucky you live Hawaii”.