Maybe so but for a test I was not in all that big a rush. Also, since I wasnt checking it hour by hour, who knows how long it actually took. I was just pleased to see it dried over night. And when I say dried, I mean not tacky. I could handle the piece shortly after spraying but it had a tacky feel to it. I recently did a test using Vallejo paint and their thinner. Want to talk about slow drying, that was rediculous. Using the same definition of tacky, it was tacky for days.
At least at this point, I will skip the retarder. I don't see a need for it. The flow improver got me where I needed to go. It made the paint flow through the brush better and it dried fine. The grain was small, the paint covered well, and it layed down on the piece the way i would expect a paint to behave. I am happy with that result.