I had to source four decals sheets to get a semblence of accuracy for the markings. This was RST's first Hurricane (previously he flew Spitfires), when he assumed command of 257 Squadron.
The decals that came with the BoB Experience offering. The codes were white, which I don't think was accurate. All I used from this one are the serial numbers, black walkways, and the Burma flag (which looked sharper and crisper than that on the other sheets).
A couple of decal sheets from Airfix's years-old boxing of RST's Hurricane--an aircraft he flew later in 1940 or '41. I used the squadron codes from these, since they seem to be in the correct gray (grey?) colo(u)r; also the fuselage roundels, but not the little red circles for the center. I did use the gun-tape decals as a pattern to cut new ones from some red decal stock.
A sheet from Propagteam. I was going to use this sheet for the upper wing roundels, but the red center "mottled" when I applied it. Don't think I've ever seen anything like it before; it looked terrible. So I removed the wing decals, and replaced them with Xtradecals. I ended up cutting the small red circle out of the fuselage roundels and applied it over the Airfix fuselage decals. Also included on this sheet were a line of little white swastikas that RST had painted below the canopy on the port side. Being white, they don't show up in the photo. RST had fourteen victories when he took over 257 Squadron, so I only used that many, to reflect his early days as squadron CO.
A generic BoB RAF markings from Xtradecal. I wanted to use the brighter red colours from this sheet. All I needed were the upper wing roundels and the tail stripes.
From the profile in Osprey's Hurricane Aces book, I thought the tail markings with 12" stripes worked best.
One item not included in any of the sheets was a caricature of Winston Churchill, apparently painted below the victory swastikas on the port side.
It seems no photos of this particular aircraft exist, so who knows where the profilers and decal makers came up with all this!? With the exception of little Winston, I think I got it looking pretty close to published illustrations.