Cross post from P-38 GB
I finally got started on my Academy P-38F. The camera is on the fritz, so I don't have any pics to share right now.
The cockpit went together pretty well, no real issues there. The booms were pretty toruble free as well aside from a little warping at the front of both. I did goof a little and had to sand out a step along the main seam. The biggest problem was the carburetor intakes. This is a separate piece like the Has kit to facilitate early and late models. The intake piece was a little wider than the front of the boom and I had to decide on the lesser of two evils and do a little filling and sanding to get the joint smooth on the inboard side.
All in all, a good kit so far.
Building will have to be suspended for the next few weeks thanks to annual training. It kind of blows but Wisconsin beats FT Stewart any day.