could someone please , help me with posting muliple picture's at once , on postimage . I mean like in an album , I do it one picture at a time . any help would be really appreciated .
Postimage has many limitations, one of which seems to be no multiple pics at a time can be linked to a post on FSM. I have failed to find a way around this. It also has some other faults such as no ability to view images one after another.
EDIT: In case I misunderstood...
You CAN upload multiple photos to Postimage. When you select Upload at you are taken to the the folders on your hard drive where you can select folders that contain your pictures. To select multiple pictures for uploading, hold down the CTRL button and click on each picture you want to upload. Each picture will become highlighted. When done selecting, release CTRL and click Okay. They will all upload. Another option is to Click the first picture of a contiguous string of pictures, hold the shift key down and click the last picture in the string. All the pictures between the first and last will highlight, release the shift key and click Okay and all will upload to Postimage.
In spite of some short-comings, like Ads, it works fine as a basic hosting site. Easy to navigate and upload. More importantly, easy to get those "Direct links" for posting. It sure is better than Google Photos and Photobucket dispite ads. Many Photo hosting sites have advertisements too but I'm convinced the Ads on Postimage are "better looking".
Thank you for that "Share" link on Google since your original photo's in the thread vanished a while back.
re-posting your original posted link:
Keep up the great work.
P.S. I have a test of a Copy/Paste method to try on the Testing forum. I fear it could be just as time consuming as doing one picture at a time. I will keep you informed
EDIT: No-Go on multiple pics attempt from Postimage. Maybe someone else has better ideas.
EDIT: See additional input from BlackSheep214 at my Testing Forum Thread: Postimage: Multiple pics to a post