Hey Aussies! I am not an Aussie, but a Wyoming, USA
modeler. I wanted to chime in on my experience in Perth, WA last
fall. While in Perth I took the time to visit the
Bull Creek RAAF Museum. I had a tremendous time there in the museum.
The tour guide was kind enough to recommend seeing the Battle of
Britain Lace in the adjoining building there. He was even more kind
enough to specifically drag me over there right when the place was
closing. I had spent all the time wandering the museum part and hadn't
gone to see it. He dragged me over there and I thank him very much for
making me do that.
To keep the link with models, they do have a bunch of models for sale at the entrance desk to the museum.
From there, had a very interesting down under trek. Made it to
Rottnest/Paraburdoo/Tom Price/Ayers-Khata Jutu/Hunter Valley/Queensland
interior/Mackay/Barrier Reef snorkeling/Eungella/Brisbane. Amazing
place! Didn't get bit, stung, dragged under, jawed, or jelly
fished! And you guys couldn't believe living in grizzly
country! No worries!
Dave in Wyoming, USA