Again, No Photos. Has anyone heard of KANGNAM? Well, at the last train show, I acquired a partially started model of the Tripitz. Supposed to be motorized.(What is it with Chinese/Japanese kitmakers and Motorization?) Except for the Battery holder, all that stuff is gone.
In cleaning it up I discovered a model that falls right between a Hasegawa kit and a Lindberg Kit. It is chunky in spots and amazingly detailed in others. Not bad when viewed up close either. Many parts are fiddly, Much more so than you'd expect to find in something designed to run across your pool(If you have one)
I am at the point I had to stop. Some unfortunate mis-building led me to have to push it back and start something else for a day or two. The previous builder had messed up the anchor points for two of the main gun turrets. So while they are being sent down for refit I decided to find somethinng else to do. Before I started that I thought,"Well" "Self, how about painting some of it?" Self said "Sure".
Turns out that this model of the Tirpitz is molded in a plastic that is so close to RLM Dk.Grey(North AtlanticSea Blue) that it's hard to figure out where bare and covered is. The former builder sprayed it with some light grey in spots. How about a paint that even Tenax wouldn't smear?
If you find this kit anywhere get it. it is a fun build. Out of the Box, it would be a slammer! And a good looking addition to your "German North Seas Fleet" if you have one.