the 1st Airborne was reconstituted after Market Garden but would not see action again. After VE Day they were sent to Norway to assist with the disarming and surrender of German Occpation forces there
Ah, I did not know that. Thanks for that info stikpusher.
The Germans were so convinced of an attack on Norway that they left huge amounts of war material and manpower in place in Norway right until the surrender...those units could have been used far more effectively fighting in Germany at war's end...
The Germans placed most troops in Norway than any other country, if measuring by the country's original population. 15% of the population in Norway during WWII were all troops of the German occupationforce.
Norway is also known for it fierce resistance during WWII. Many people rank the Norwegian resistance as the 2nd most bravest resisitance during WWII. The only more braver was the Polish. And do mark the difference of the bravest, of the most known, and the most active.. Big difference between the three...
And about that they were so convinced, Hitler marked Norway as the "Destinyarea" for the Allied invasion.
Glad to make an input!