I see all the rivet counters and nit pickers have weighed in - I went and saw
Red Tails last night with a group of people from one of the universities that was a site for the original Tuskegee training program, and included in the audience were several widows of Tuskegee Airmen and their relatives. So it was a crowd of mostly "civilians," if you will, who were clueless about WW II and what those men went through.
And at the end of the move, almost everyone in there stood up and applauded. There were more than a few tears, too. I think it is a damn fine movie that will, finally, tell the Tuskegee story in a way that will ensure that it's rememebered for a long time to come.
YES, some of the computer-generated combat scenes were overdone. B-17s don't fold up like accordions after one strafing pass from an ME-109. A P-51 can't possibly survive multiple hits from the explosive 30mm cannon shells of an ME-262. Airfields typically don't turn into one gigantic fireball after a few strafing passes. Yes, some of the markings on the B-17s were wrong, and there should have been B-24s in the mix since we were talking Italy and the 15th Air Force instead of England and the 8th Air Force.
But so what? This movie was about the Tuskegee Airmen, and the
two wars they had to fight at the same time - one against the Germans, and one against their own government and fellow countrymen. And in that respect, this movie was a triumph.