Thank you, Bish. I did burn through this one in just under a week with a scratch built canopy lol. That is a small accomplishment in itself.
But c'mon, I could've done better if I'd taken more time with it. Oh, and I found that missing acetate sheet I WAS planning to use for the canopy. If I had taken more time to do a better job on this one the canopy would have looked better I think because I would have found the proper meterial to make it so.
Well.... I would be happier with it now anyways lol.
I hold myself to a fairly high standard. Higher than I probably should, but that's because I believe professionalism is an attitude, a mindset, that transcends just having good skills. I have a good set of skills, so I push myself to be better. Don't we all? There are still a lot of you guys here that I want to emulate because you build such beautiful models that seriously blow my mind. And I want to be that good too.
That's why I help the new guys out so much, because I was there myself not very long ago. Its nice when someone says "I wish I could do that!" Because I'm thinking, dude, you totally can! Let me show you how! :)
I love this place for that attitude because its infectous here and its like we are all on the same ladder shouting down to the guys down at the bottom saying, " give me your hand, we can do this together."
Oops, I've deviated off target here lol.
I push myself hard, Bish, and I'm just as hard on myself if things don't meet expected criteria. We all seem to be like that to one degree or another, right? :)
We all, will always be our own worst critics. So maybe I'm being overly critical. Okay. Forgive me. Lol