bondoman wrote: |
Those are truly excellent photos. A mooring cleat. Best ,friend. I want to apologize to sfmac and maybe clarify a post I made last nite, to wit this forum should be about research- didn't mean to be negative but this is a perfect example. |
I agree the pics are top notch! Very useful indeed.
Still looking for why I am being apologized too ? Whatever it was it must not be too bad as I didn't get the special dinner or wine opened for me....
I wasn't very clear on my question as it was. I was more asking about the Monogram Models themselves. I have that old dust covered PBY I am cleaning up and repairing ( Original release)and the two newer releases with the landing gear. I was just wondering if the model had more done to it aside from cutting out wheel wells and adding the landing gear stuff. No real current reviews that compare them. Reason I ask is I like that Bismark Hunter scheme. May consider buying another to attempt a conversion if it not be too complex. I don't see a rerelease of the other type coming anytime soon if ever.
Speaking of research our BVD has been doing a bang up job of answering those PBY questions so who needs Wiki?
I plan on starting mine around the 1st of the year. Then I'll really be asking crazy stuff! Like when exactly did that famous Rita Hayworth picture come out? Or am I thinking Betty Grabel?
Accurate pin-ups are important! Especially with Navy Planes!
I dunno I'd take Rita over Brittney Spears any time!