Definitely like what I am seeing here...!!
I am really liking what I am seeing with your build.. I too am doing the same exact 262 for the build.
The over all kit is fantastic esecially the pit.. Even more so I like the decal for the IP. Do you know what markings you will be putting her in?
Hey ruddratt,
Um ya ok I am totally drooling over your engine and attention to it's detail. Ah so you used alclad for the over all colour with the yellow as a tint.. Very interesting... I am thinking of exposing one engine on my 48th A1-a but I am not to sure yet.. But after seeing yours, I am begining to brainstorm..(Can't you see the smoke or at least hear the sirens?)
Have any pix of the interior?
Long time no chat... I see your right on track with your build.. I have to agree with Randy, I really like how the paint job turned out.
Alright Frank, I have a question on whether or not to use Aires PE IP or go the stock and use the kits with the sa-weet decal..
Not to sure in what I want to do.. Just checked out my previous 262 build and you can see the IP rather well.. However the decal looks good as well.
I think what it boils down to is the work.. lol What do you think bro? And yes, I have begun the build.. Got a few ideas up my sleeve so stay tuned!!
Flaps up,
Rangers Lead The Way
If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger