Wow - the work going on here is top notch, guys! Bravo! I agree with the sentiments of others - I may have to invest in some AM goodies to give my Mossie a chance!
I imagine I should be hopping on board sometime in the next two or so weeks. The Jug's into the home stretch now. Decals are on...still have to go back and do the invasion stripes, but other than that it's just weathering and final assembly. And once it's off the bench, the Mossie's coming out.
While I'm thinking about it, anybody got a lead on any AM decals for an all-black Mossie NF.II? Not having much luck, but I'm hesitant to use Tamiya's decals since I've never had great experiences with them, and on the black, any silvering will show like the dickens.