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The Official F-4 Phantom II Group Build 2011

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  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Sunday, September 25, 2011 6:53 PM

Hi guys,

Right, there's a lot more to work with here, and some good ideas. I'd rather not rename the Phantom builds in perpetuity, but I'm very happy to have this one be part of the commemoration, particularly as it was the last GB Bernie himself participated it. Also, as Bernie worked on a wide range of aircraft, I think it's a terrific idea that we should have an ongoing "Bernhardt Memorial Group Build" dedicated to his aircraft types and interests. We could also cycle through hosting/admin turn and turn about, and I'd sure be in it!

What format would you like for the new GB? Six months or a year? We'd need a full list of types he worked on and his interests, so we can set the possible range of thematic material, and of course we'd need a really terrific crest for the whole thing. Beginning on his birthday in February, of course!

Cheers, Mike

  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Sunday, September 25, 2011 7:05 PM

Sounds like a plan.  I'd say a year.  Some of us end up hip deep in builds and it can take a while.  As for the Crest.  I'll take care of that.  I'm already at work on one.  I don't know all the types that Berny worked on, but To make it simple, why not make it for any jet fighter aircraft from the last year of Korea, to the last year of Vietnam.  And only USAF birds.  That should cover most of his interests.




Hi guys,

Right, there's a lot more to work with here, and some good ideas. I'd rather not rename the Phantom builds in perpetuity, but I'm very happy to have this one be part of the commemoration, particularly as it was the last GB Bernie himself participated it. Also, as Bernie worked on a wide range of aircraft, I think it's a terrific idea that we should have an ongoing "Bernhardt Memorial Group Build" dedicated to his aircraft types and interests. We could also cycle through hosting/admin turn and turn about, and I'd sure be in it!

What format would you like for the new GB? Six months or a year? We'd need a full list of types he worked on and his interests, so we can set the possible range of thematic material, and of course we'd need a really terrific crest for the whole thing. Beginning on his birthday in February, of course!

Cheers, Mike

In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Lafayette, Indiana
Posted by Son Of Medicine Man on Sunday, September 25, 2011 7:09 PM


Hi guys,

Right, there's a lot more to work with here, and some good ideas. I'd rather not rename the Phantom builds in perpetuity, but I'm very happy to have this one be part of the commemoration, particularly as it was the last GB Bernie himself participated it. Also, as Bernie worked on a wide range of aircraft, I think it's a terrific idea that we should have an ongoing "Bernhardt Memorial Group Build" dedicated to his aircraft types and interests. We could also cycle through hosting/admin turn and turn about, and I'd sure be in it!

What format would you like for the new GB? Six months or a year? We'd need a full list of types he worked on and his interests, so we can set the possible range of thematic material, and of course we'd need a really terrific crest for the whole thing. Beginning on his birthday in February, of course!

Cheers, Mike

My vote would be for a full year, and then every year we would vote on the next aircraft.  I can start compiling a list as I have been reading through his posts starting with the very first one on February 12, 2003.  Of course it will take a while to go through them all since he had 4,706 posts all together!


  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Sunday, September 25, 2011 7:16 PM

Works for me.  I'll handle all the artwork.  We could pick one specific aircraft from the list, or we could just let everyone build any aircraft from the list you compile.    That might spice it up a bit and would be my suggestion..


Son Of Medicine Man




Hi guys,

Right, there's a lot more to work with here, and some good ideas. I'd rather not rename the Phantom builds in perpetuity, but I'm very happy to have this one be part of the commemoration, particularly as it was the last GB Bernie himself participated it. Also, as Bernie worked on a wide range of aircraft, I think it's a terrific idea that we should have an ongoing "Bernhardt Memorial Group Build" dedicated to his aircraft types and interests. We could also cycle through hosting/admin turn and turn about, and I'd sure be in it!

What format would you like for the new GB? Six months or a year? We'd need a full list of types he worked on and his interests, so we can set the possible range of thematic material, and of course we'd need a really terrific crest for the whole thing. Beginning on his birthday in February, of course!

Cheers, Mike



My vote would be for a full year, and then every year we would vote on the next aircraft.  I can start compiling a list as I have been reading through his posts starting with the very first one on February 12, 2003.  Of course it will take a while to go through them all since he had 4,706 posts all together!


In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Sunday, September 25, 2011 7:36 PM


Works for me.  I'll handle all the artwork.  We could pick one specific aircraft from the list, or we could just let everyone build any aircraft from the list you compile.    That might spice it up a bit and would be my suggestion..



 Son Of Medicine Man:





Hi guys,

Right, there's a lot more to work with here, and some good ideas. I'd rather not rename the Phantom builds in perpetuity, but I'm very happy to have this one be part of the commemoration, particularly as it was the last GB Bernie himself participated it. Also, as Bernie worked on a wide range of aircraft, I think it's a terrific idea that we should have an ongoing "Bernhardt Memorial Group Build" dedicated to his aircraft types and interests. We could also cycle through hosting/admin turn and turn about, and I'd sure be in it!

What format would you like for the new GB? Six months or a year? We'd need a full list of types he worked on and his interests, so we can set the possible range of thematic material, and of course we'd need a really terrific crest for the whole thing. Beginning on his birthday in February, of course!

Cheers, Mike



My vote would be for a full year, and then every year we would vote on the next aircraft.  I can start compiling a list as I have been reading through his posts starting with the very first one on February 12, 2003.  Of course it will take a while to go through them all since he had 4,706 posts all together!




When we were in Dayton, i noticed something about Berny; he liked them all....had something to say about every plane we looked at.....and never criticized negatively. I think that's because he understood the process of bringing an aircraft to the flight line.....if it flew and he could fly it, it worked for him. Mind you, he did use the 'F' epithet when we were perusing a MIG.......but I think he woulda' happily taken one up.......

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Sunday, September 25, 2011 7:37 PM

I'd also vote for the open selection among Berny's types, that would keep interest high with variety, and a full year sounds good. I can already see an F-111 on the horizon...


  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Lafayette, Indiana
Posted by Son Of Medicine Man on Sunday, September 25, 2011 7:54 PM

I concur.  After more thought, the build should be kept with Berny as the focus.  So instead of voting on a particular aircraft, each participant selecting from an established list would be the best.  Also it should be kept light, with the most important aspect of having fun!


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Sunday, September 25, 2011 8:00 PM


I'd also vote for the open selection among Berny's types, that would keep interest high with variety, and a full year sounds good. I can already see an F-111 on the horizon...


Shish q' bob Mike....

Berny said that the field guys hated the F-111....something about the landing gear interfereing.....sorry my memory is so bad......all I can remember right now is that the gear messed up sumthin' important.....he made me take a picture of it, I'll check with Ken, maybe I can figure it out.....

mind you, I have at least 2 F-111's on the horizon.....i stilllll like that aircraft.....very cool....wish I had one in 1/32 or even better, 1/24......need a new


  • Member since
    August 2007
  • From: n/w indiana
Posted by some assembly required on Sunday, September 25, 2011 8:50 PM

ken PM inbound

  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Sunday, September 25, 2011 11:08 PM





I'd also vote for the open selection among Berny's types, that would keep interest high with variety, and a full year sounds good. I can already see an F-111 on the horizon...



Shish q' bob Mike....


Berny said that the field guys hated the F-111....something about the landing gear interfereing.....sorry my memory is so bad......all I can remember right now is that the gear messed up sumthin' important.....he made me take a picture of it, I'll check with Ken, maybe I can figure it out.....

mind you, I have at least 2 F-111's on the horizon.....i stilllll like that aircraft.....very cool....wish I had one in 1/32 or even better, 1/24......need a new


I have been out a few days due to loss of my internet for a period of time and the fact that my job decided to move our operations 8 miles down the road into our new owners building. I return to find the news of Berny's passing as I expected but still makes me very sad. Many of you knew him much better than I did, as I never met him before this group build.

I admired him because of the way he accepted the news of his illness and was more concerned about how his family would take it rather than of himself. He still kept on building when he could and taking time to meet you all on that trip. A very unique individual. I still sit here thinking about questions I would ask him but.....

As to the F-111: I know that a couple of things crews disliked about the Aardvark was that main gear door was also the speed brake, and when the gear was retracted, the door folded forward causing a lot of drag at the time when you needed it least; During take-off!

You can see that here:

F-11 Youtube

There is also something about the fact that part of the aft door (the part attached to the gear itself) door had to be partially cut off as it interfered with the fuselage. Most later versions had this and there was a gap there even when the gear was fully retracted and doors closed. You can read it and see that here:

That is also a cool website about the F-111-it's one of my favorite planes! Perhaps these issues may be what Berny mentioned about it?

An FB-111A, aircraft #68-0287 is on display here in Colorado at the Wings Over The Rockies Museum. I have visited it and an F-4E also on display there often! Not as impressive as the museum in Dayton, but some unique and interesting displays there.

My thoughts and wishes for the family and friends of Berny. I hope he watching over us as we continue to work on these projects.


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Sunday, September 25, 2011 11:13 PM

I did manage to find one photo for Berny:


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Sunday, September 25, 2011 11:21 PM

One more:

I had another but it was marked with a copyright. I tried finding a video of Phantoms doing "Missing Man" but bombed out on that.

R.I.P. Berny!

P.S. Whatever you guys decide on a build honoring Berny is fine, however I might still be interested in another F-4 build next year-there are still 3 (possibly joined by a 4th?) Phantoms in my stash and the F-4F I seem to be making little progress on.



On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: waynesboro va, via Ireland
Posted by sidure on Monday, September 26, 2011 12:47 AM

I too was away for the weekend and although it was expected, I was deeply saddened by the news of Bernies passing. My thoughts and prayers go to his family and R.I.P. Bernie.

I agree with the idea of a list of aircraft that Bernie liked and worked on and we can pick from the list for a memorial build


  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Monday, September 26, 2011 3:48 AM

I guess I'm bored, but I found a few 'Berny' facts:

Berny13 joined this forum on Feb 12, 2003 introducing himself as Bill from Panama City. His next post came the next day when he responded to another member looking for reference material on an F-101 Voodoo. Over 4,700 posts later, his final post was on the 16th of this month where he responded to a question from Bockscar about his helmet. I have been looking through these old posts as there is agold mine of info in them. I am also looking for some info about the F-105 that he offered as advice to another member.

Hard to believe it was only 10 days ago he made his final post.

Does anybody know what the "13" is about in his nickname?


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    August 2005
  • From: Sydney, Australia
Posted by Phil_H on Monday, September 26, 2011 8:15 AM
  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Monday, September 26, 2011 10:26 AM

It's a shame that whoever took this cut off hal of the bird on the lower left edge of the image.  That other one will come in handy for the badge I am working on if I can "tighten" the formation up in the badge.  I also contacted the Museum in Dayton and explained the situation to them and asked if they had  any good images of Phantoms in the MMF, or if they could point me to a source.  I am waiting to hear back from them.




One more:

I had another but it was marked with a copyright. I tried finding a video of Phantoms doing "Missing Man" but bombed out on that.

R.I.P. Berny!

P.S. Whatever you guys decide on a build honoring Berny is fine, however I might still be interested in another F-4 build next year-there are still 3 (possibly joined by a 4th?) Phantoms in my stash and the F-4F I seem to be making little progress on.


In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Monday, September 26, 2011 5:35 PM


Phil, thanks for the obituary.

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Monday, September 26, 2011 5:39 PM


I guess I'm bored, but I found a few 'Berny' facts:

Berny13 joined this forum on Feb 12, 2003 introducing himself as Bill from Panama City. His next post came the next day when he responded to another member looking for reference material on an F-101 Voodoo. Over 4,700 posts later, his final post was on the 16th of this month where he responded to a question from Bockscar about his helmet. I have been looking through these old posts as there is agold mine of info in them. I am also looking for some info about the F-105 that he offered as advice to another member.

Hard to believe it was only 10 days ago he made his final post.

Does anybody know what the "13" is about in his nickname?

Jim, being the recipient of his last post to FSM is an honor, purely accidental, but I don't take it lightly. Wish I knew what the 13 is about,

  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Lafayette, Indiana
Posted by Son Of Medicine Man on Monday, September 26, 2011 6:27 PM

Greetings phellow Phantom builders,

I wish to give a big thank you to the following persons for contributing money for Berny's flowers:

Rich (aka Sparrowhyperion)

Dom (aka Bockscar)

Bill (aka Bgrigg)

Omar (aka oortiz10)

Jim (aka fox)

Also I wanted to give praise to Rich and Dom for working together an coming up with the t-shirt. For those of you who did not see it, here is a picture:



Berny liked this shirt so much that his wife is going to have it buried with him. It is really great that you two did this for him.

Berny's viewing is this evening and he will have a full military funeral tomorrow.


  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Lafayette, Indiana
Posted by Son Of Medicine Man on Monday, September 26, 2011 6:35 PM

Hello everyone (again),

After reviewing several posts by Berny it soon became apparent that Berny liked building EVERYTHING!  He built cars, armour, and aircraft.  And he did not just build U.S. Air Force aircraft.  He also built U.S. Navy and even Migs!

So I would suggest that we do not make a list.  I think the best memorial build for Berny would make it so that everyone can just build what ever their heart desires!  I think Berny would like it that way.  And no matter what, we just have fun!

Berny's birthday was February 22nd.  So I say let's put the word out that coming this February, pick out your favorite kit and get set to have fun!


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Monday, September 26, 2011 6:57 PM

Son Of Medicine Man

Greetings phellow Phantom builders,

I wish to give a big thank you to the following persons for contributing money for Berny's flowers:

Rich (aka Sparrowhyperion)

Dom (aka Bockscar)

Bill (aka Bgrigg)

Omar (aka oortiz10)

Jim (aka fox)

Also I wanted to give praise to Rich and Dom for working together an coming up with the t-shirt. For those of you who did not see it, here is a picture:


Berny liked this shirt so much that his wife is going to have it buried with him. It is really great that you two did this for him.

Berny's viewing is this evening and he will have a full military funeral tomorrow.


Rich and I are incredibly honored that Berny's T is going to spend the rest of forever with Berny.

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Monday, September 26, 2011 7:00 PM

SOMM -- sounds like a plan. Wide variety? What do others think? I'm cool with it, for sure.

Okay, February 22nd for starting the memorial build, and Rhinos III can kick off of January 1st -- sounds about right?

Cheers, Mike

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Monday, September 26, 2011 7:02 PM

Son Of Medicine Man

Hello everyone (again),

After reviewing several posts by Berny it soon became apparent that Berny liked building EVERYTHING!  He built cars, armour, and aircraft.  And he did not just build U.S. Air Force aircraft.  He also built U.S. Navy and even Migs!

So I would suggest that we do not make a list.  I think the best memorial build for Berny would make it so that everyone can just build what ever their heart desires!  I think Berny would like it that way.  And no matter what, we just have fun!

Berny's birthday was February 22nd.  So I say let's put the word out that coming this February, pick out your favorite kit and get set to have fun!



I may have a bit of 'finishing' to do on my F-4P (P is for 'putty'!)...also....F-102, OOTB this time 'round......

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: New Jersey
Posted by 68GT on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 4:48 AM

Got some more done over the weekend.

R.I.P. Berny!

On Ed's bench, ???


  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Lafayette, Indiana
Posted by Son Of Medicine Man on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 7:57 PM

Hi 68GT,

That is coming along nicely!  Great job so far.  Yes  Yes


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 6:00 PM


Got some more done over the weekend.

R.I.P. Berny!


GT, I like that 'Ray' look to the blu-black, very cool.....



  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: New Jersey
Posted by 68GT on Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:20 AM

Thats the vintage tri-color camo from the 40s and I added a combination of F4U and F-4J decals.

On Ed's bench, ???


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Friday, September 30, 2011 11:19 PM


Thats the vintage tri-color camo from the 40s and I added a combination of F4U and F-4J decals.


Berny liked Badger air brushes.......

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Saturday, October 1, 2011 10:30 PM

Reminds me,

Bill always saw the humor in stuff, especially when I made more applications of putty!

LOL......that bastage is still laughing at me as I try to make these G-damn intakes!.....hey, they are coming along....and that B-guy is

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Saturday, October 1, 2011 10:49 PM

Well, guys, as of today we're three quarters of the way through the planned period of this build. How are we going? I know there are lots of planned builds underway, plenty in the hangar but only a dozen or so on the ramp so far. I have five in progress myself but it'll be next week before I can get back to the first of them. I wonder how many I can get done in three months?

The problem has been work and my PhD, over the last four months or so I have been so full-on I've barely had the chance to touch plastic at all. I'm back on the bench now, though, and am finishing items for three other group builds at this time. The next batch of completions should be getting underway maybe by the end of the week, and my Fujimi F-4K will be the most important of them. The batch after that should include two more Phantoms, so I'm hopeful I can complete my quota and have as little as possible transfer over to Rhinomania III.

Cheers, Mike/TB379


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