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The Official F-4 Phantom II Group Build 2011

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  • Member since
    October 2010
  • From: Hobart, Australia
Posted by Casper the Chihuahua on Saturday, October 1, 2011 11:01 PM

Cool, a fellow Doctoral candidate! I'm about halfway through mine, where are you up to in yours?


On the bench: A-4F 1/32 Hasegawa

Just deployed: F6F-5N Hellcat Nightfighter 1/48 Eduard

Up next: A6-E Intruder 1/48 Revell

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Saturday, October 1, 2011 11:25 PM

SMILE -- I submitted my 520 page thesis 19 days ago and am now waiting on the examiners. It took me a week to recover from sleep deprivation... Archaeology -- what's your field?

Cheers, M/TB379

  • Member since
    October 2010
  • From: Hobart, Australia
Posted by Casper the Chihuahua on Saturday, October 1, 2011 11:31 PM


SMILE -- I submitted my 520 page thesis 19 days ago and am now waiting on the examiners. It took me a week to recover from sleep deprivation... Archaeology -- what's your field?

Cheers, M/TB379

Well done! I'm doing mine in music composition at the Conservatorium of Music in Hobart. I only have to write a 30,000 word thesis BUT I do have over 2 and a half hours of music to write as well. That will be about 300 pages of musical score in total. Can't think of a better way to earn a living at the moment!


On the bench: A-4F 1/32 Hasegawa

Just deployed: F6F-5N Hellcat Nightfighter 1/48 Eduard

Up next: A6-E Intruder 1/48 Revell

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Saturday, October 1, 2011 11:41 PM

That's impressive! And you find time to build models as well... Mine was 115, 000 words, and if I never see it again it'll be too soon! Smile


  • Member since
    October 2010
  • From: Hobart, Australia
Posted by Casper the Chihuahua on Saturday, October 1, 2011 11:44 PM

I was lucky enough to get a fully paid scholarship. I am able to do the PhD work as 9-5, Monday through Friday and I take the weekends off. Modeling mostly weekend, but if inspiration fails me I may do some during the week.


On the bench: A-4F 1/32 Hasegawa

Just deployed: F6F-5N Hellcat Nightfighter 1/48 Eduard

Up next: A6-E Intruder 1/48 Revell

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Sunday, October 2, 2011 12:08 AM

Hey guys, i did that already, 3000 sculptures, and that doesn't include photos or guess that makes me old,

I made that little screamer 25 years that qualifys me as a scratch builder.....

Mike, congrats on the thesis, and Caspar, i hope you get to the core when your music beckons.

I am going to Dayton next year on Berny's anniversary guys, I hope you will be there.



  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Sunday, October 2, 2011 2:32 AM


Well, guys, as of today we're three quarters of the way through the planned period of this build. How are we going? I know there are lots of planned builds underway, plenty in the hangar but only a dozen or so on the ramp so far. I have five in progress myself but it'll be next week before I can get back to the first of them. I wonder how many I can get done in three months?

The problem has been work and my PhD, over the last four months or so I have been so full-on I've barely had the chance to touch plastic at all. I'm back on the bench now, though, and am finishing items for three other group builds at this time. The next batch of completions should be getting underway maybe by the end of the week, and my Fujimi F-4K will be the most important of them. The batch after that should include two more Phantoms, so I'm hopeful I can complete my quota and have as little as possible transfer over to Rhinomania III.

Cheers, Mike/TB379

I regret to say that I have had little time to lay hands on plastic as well. The company I work for has been sold to another, and the new owners decided to relocate us into their building. I just spent the last 12 days in a row working and some of those days were over 14 hours long! I still managed to stop by to look in on my elderly mother daily, and most days I have just pretty much fallen into bed when I got home! Also to add to my stress, and inability to sleep, is the fact that my fridge died on me during all this, and with the hours I worked, I found it difficult to find the time to shop for a new one. I estimate it was gone for at least 3 days before I was aware of its passing. You can guess the state of the food items inside! Now I finally got that taken care of, but I have to wait until next Saturday to get it delivered, because the Spawn-of-Satan-demon-b*tch-from-the-darkest-pit-of-hell supervisor of mine won't allow any time off unless approved in advance. I should have told the fridge to fill out the proper request forms before it went belly up! For now, I am living out of an ice chest, and I am so sick of fast foods I nearly puke just thinking about it! I can't even seem to find the desire to do anything with hobbies at this point.


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Sunday, October 2, 2011 9:55 AM

I'll be there Dom.



Hey guys, i did that already, 3000 sculptures, and that doesn't include photos or guess that makes me old,

I made that little screamer 25 years that qualifys me as a scratch builder.....

Mike, congrats on the thesis, and Caspar, i hope you get to the core when your music beckons.

I am going to Dayton next year on Berny's anniversary guys, I hope you will be there.



In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    November 2006
  • From: Coastal Maine
Posted by dupes on Sunday, October 2, 2011 11:03 AM

GREAT lineup of finished builds on the front page, guys! Toast

Still hoping to get myself involved before this one ends. Yes

  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Monday, October 3, 2011 8:37 PM





Well, guys, as of today we're three quarters of the way through the planned period of this build. How are we going? I know there are lots of planned builds underway, plenty in the hangar but only a dozen or so on the ramp so far. I have five in progress myself but it'll be next week before I can get back to the first of them. I wonder how many I can get done in three months?

The problem has been work and my PhD, over the last four months or so I have been so full-on I've barely had the chance to touch plastic at all. I'm back on the bench now, though, and am finishing items for three other group builds at this time. The next batch of completions should be getting underway maybe by the end of the week, and my Fujimi F-4K will be the most important of them. The batch after that should include two more Phantoms, so I'm hopeful I can complete my quota and have as little as possible transfer over to Rhinomania III.

Cheers, Mike/TB379



I regret to say that I have had little time to lay hands on plastic as well. The company I work for has been sold to another, and the new owners decided to relocate us into their building. I just spent the last 12 days in a row working and some of those days were over 14 hours long! I still managed to stop by to look in on my elderly mother daily, and most days I have just pretty much fallen into bed when I got home! Also to add to my stress, and inability to sleep, is the fact that my fridge died on me during all this, and with the hours I worked, I found it difficult to find the time to shop for a new one. I estimate it was gone for at least 3 days before I was aware of its passing. You can guess the state of the food items inside! Now I finally got that taken care of, but I have to wait until next Saturday to get it delivered, because the Spawn-of-Satan-demon-b*tch-from-the-darkest-pit-of-hell supervisor of mine won't allow any time off unless approved in advance. I should have told the fridge to fill out the proper request forms before it went belly up! For now, I am living out of an ice chest, and I am so sick of fast foods I nearly puke just thinking about it! I can't even seem to find the desire to do anything with hobbies at this point.


Of all the things you said, it's the lack of sleep part that gets me the most. You are way over stressed, I've had so many people die, Berny among them, it's hard to keep up. My beloved aunt passed away Friday, and I've been a bit of a sicko trying to deal with another one.....

Listen, submit time off requests to your stupervisor for people who haven't died yet......

Sorry to hear about the fridge, I hate it when that nasty as it gets......I hope someone some where cuts you some slack, man! hey, us and the hobbies won't quite evaporate....mind you, I've been stale-dated for a

Hang in's life as professional dung-catcher.....the good news, it's going to get worse....but at a lot slower

Styrene lasts a long time.....take a break......

  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Lafayette, Indiana
Posted by Son Of Medicine Man on Friday, October 7, 2011 8:29 PM



Well, guys, as of today we're three quarters of the way through the planned period of this build. How are we going? I know there are lots of planned builds underway, plenty in the hangar but only a dozen or so on the ramp so far. I have five in progress myself but it'll be next week before I can get back to the first of them. I wonder how many I can get done in three months?

The problem has been work and my PhD, over the last four months or so I have been so full-on I've barely had the chance to touch plastic at all. I'm back on the bench now, though, and am finishing items for three other group builds at this time. The next batch of completions should be getting underway maybe by the end of the week, and my Fujimi F-4K will be the most important of them. The batch after that should include two more Phantoms, so I'm hopeful I can complete my quota and have as little as possible transfer over to Rhinomania III.

Cheers, Mike/TB379


I regret to say that I have had little time to lay hands on plastic as well. The company I work for has been sold to another, and the new owners decided to relocate us into their building. I just spent the last 12 days in a row working and some of those days were over 14 hours long! I still managed to stop by to look in on my elderly mother daily, and most days I have just pretty much fallen into bed when I got home! Also to add to my stress, and inability to sleep, is the fact that my fridge died on me during all this, and with the hours I worked, I found it difficult to find the time to shop for a new one. I estimate it was gone for at least 3 days before I was aware of its passing. You can guess the state of the food items inside! Now I finally got that taken care of, but I have to wait until next Saturday to get it delivered, because the Spawn-of-Satan-demon-b*tch-from-the-darkest-pit-of-hell supervisor of mine won't allow any time off unless approved in advance. I should have told the fridge to fill out the proper request forms before it went belly up! For now, I am living out of an ice chest, and I am so sick of fast foods I nearly puke just thinking about it! I can't even seem to find the desire to do anything with hobbies at this point.

Hi Jim,

Sorry I am just now responding to your post.  I have not had the heart for getting back to my build or spending much time here either.  But as they say, time heals all wounds.

I have had jobs in the past with tyrants for bosses.  It sucks.  And especially with the economy in the shape it is now, looking for a new job is nearly impossible.  So I understand your situation.  You want out but there is no where to go.  But I would still look.  You just never know until you try.  Life is too short to put up with working in an environment like that.  I surely hope that it gets better for you.


  • Member since
    July 2008
  • From: USA California
Posted by vetteman42 on Friday, October 7, 2011 11:32 PM

Guys I wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten this group in the least, its been a rough year and I ended up very behind on my builds. Good news is I am going to start my Phantom next week Yeah It will more than likely go right to the wire but I will try and make the end date.

Randy So many to build.......So little time

  • Member since
    April 2005
Posted by Thunderbolt379 on Friday, October 7, 2011 11:56 PM

Hi Randy,

No worries -- better late than not at all. After 9+ months I haven't finished even 1 of the 6 I lined up... Remember the MiG-3 I started? That's going to end up in Ostfront II, I think...!

Cheers, M/TB379

  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Saturday, October 8, 2011 1:22 PM

Hi folks.  I apologize for not being on in so long.  but we are in the middle of a sort of family crisis.  Our greedy monkey(*&&^ing landlord has been systematically kicking the older mobile homes like ours out of our mobile home park so he can bring in newer, larger and more expensive ones.  I guess he wants to be able to charge more rent.  Anyway, we have exhausted our legal options and we have to be moved out of the park by the 18th.  So for the last few weeks, we have been trying to clear up some major mistakes on our credit score so we can get a small loan.  We have also been hunting full time for a new place.   The credit issue is making it impossible to get a loan, so we have no idea where we will be on the 18th.  If I am gone for a while, don't panic.  I'm pretty sure that I will be able to get back online eventually.  If some miracle occurs and we can float a $10K loan to get a new place, I hopefully won't be offline very long at all.   I will try and get the badge done for Berny's memorial group build before we leave.  Wish us luck... We are really going to need it.


In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Sunday, October 9, 2011 1:06 AM


Hi folks.  I apologize for not being on in so long.  but we are in the middle of a sort of family crisis.  Our greedy monkey(*&&^ing landlord has been systematically kicking the older mobile homes like ours out of our mobile home park so he can bring in newer, larger and more expensive ones.  I guess he wants to be able to charge more rent.  Anyway, we have exhausted our legal options and we have to be moved out of the park by the 18th.  So for the last few weeks, we have been trying to clear up some major mistakes on our credit score so we can get a small loan.  We have also been hunting full time for a new place.   The credit issue is making it impossible to get a loan, so we have no idea where we will be on the 18th.  If I am gone for a while, don't panic.  I'm pretty sure that I will be able to get back online eventually.  If some miracle occurs and we can float a $10K loan to get a new place, I hopefully won't be offline very long at all.   I will try and get the badge done for Berny's memorial group build before we leave.  Wish us luck... We are really going to need it.


Rich, that is really a bad break! I also reside in a mobile home and have learned that residents of these parks are really considered to be second class ( or lower!) and few laws protect us from outrageous rents, evictions and other matters. It is further complicated by the issue if you own the home and not rent it, but must rent the land it sits on. I am currently paying over $600 monthly for piece of dirt. They increase rent yearly with a letter that explains that the increase is simply because they can (not those exact words, but anyone with the brain of a hamster or larger can read between the lines!).  When I moved here, my monthly rent was $230 and less than $200 for my mortgage. ($430 a month!!!)  I was happy to have a place of my own for less that what it cost at the time to rent an apartment! Now with my rent more than doubled, (house paid off!) and my income down by more than 25% since I moved here due to not one, but three layoffs in less than 10 can guess where that puts  me!  To even sell my home is a huge hassle as older homes are not allowed to stay in the park if sold and must be removed by the buyer. If the home is allowed to stay, the new owner must pass various background checks and approvals. Several homes here sat for a year or more before being sold and some owners simply abandon them rather that go through that B.S.!


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Sunday, October 9, 2011 10:05 AM

We have lived here for about 7 years now.  When we moved in, we paid $8500 in cash for our 1978 single wide mobile home.  Our lot rent was $250 a month.  Now we own the trailer which we have been told, would not survive a move out of the park.  So our only option is to sign it over to a place that will disassemble t and scrap it.  There are some under $10K houses in our area, but the issue is the financing.  The credit reporting agencies have screwed up our credit score so badly that we can't even get an FHA loan.  And they say it may take another 3 to 6 months.  I hat those companies.  They ruin people's lives and they just don't care.  Now we have to be out by the 18th or the Sheriff will be knocking on our door and forcibly remove us from our own mobile home.  Luckily we always paid our rent on time so we don't owe any back rent.  I am never buying another mobile home.  This is the second time something like this has happened to us.   We found out at court that our current park was bought by the same jerks who owned our last park, so no big surprise that they pulled the same thing.  Oh well.    To stay on topic for a sec.  My FG MK2 is on hold until we find out where we will be living.







Rich, that is really a bad break! I also reside in a mobile home and have learned that residents of these parks are really considered to be second class ( or lower!) and few laws protect us from outrageous rents, evictions and other matters. It is further complicated by the issue if you own the home and not rent it, but must rent the land it sits on. I am currently paying over $600 monthly for piece of dirt. They increase rent yearly with a letter that explains that the increase is simply because they can (not those exact words, but anyone with the brain of a hamster or larger can read between the lines!).  When I moved here, my monthly rent was $230 and less than $200 for my mortgage. ($430 a month!!!)  I was happy to have a place of my own for less that what it cost at the time to rent an apartment! Now with my rent more than doubled, (house paid off!) and my income down by more than 25% since I moved here due to not one, but three layoffs in less than 10 can guess where that puts  me!  To even sell my home is a huge hassle as older homes are not allowed to stay in the park if sold and must be removed by the buyer. If the home is allowed to stay, the new owner must pass various background checks and approvals. Several homes here sat for a year or more before being sold and some owners simply abandon them rather that go through that B.S.!

In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Monday, October 10, 2011 3:08 AM

Rich, I am really hoping something turns up for you and as for the b*stards who are causing your troubles, there is a very warm place being reserved for them!

As for me, I finally got the fridge here and it's kind of a let down in a way, because it currently is keeping 3 Diet Cokes, a Mountain Dew, a package of lunch-meat, another of American cheese, a jar of mayo, and some ketchup nice and cool!

As for projects, I have had a bit of time here and there and have managed to clear-coat the underside of the Phantom, plus stick a few PE parts here and there on the F-105G. Another thing I did tonight was improve my work area a bit. My job, as they prepared to move us across town, threw out bunches of stuff, one of which was a box containing a couple of sets of amplified speakers for use with a computer. My Mp3 player connects right up to them and now can rock out while working on models! A bit of wire routing for the speakers and the power cord and now I have some decent sounding tunes, instead of of the tiny clock radio some of you may have noticed in the background of a few of my photos!

Now if only the time and desire permits......


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    August 2009
  • From: Toledo Area OH
Posted by Sparrowhyperion on Monday, October 10, 2011 11:18 AM

Yeh, right now I am in the process of packing up all of my kits, supplies and tools to put them all into storage until I can find a new place for them.  The Sheriff will be here next Tuesday so I have exactly one week to get everything packed and stored.  Not to mention everything else we have to pack.  When I eventually get where we are going (wherever that ends up being), I need to finish a bunch of half finished kits (including the FGR Mk.2).



Rich, I am really hoping something turns up for you and as for the b*stards who are causing your troubles, there is a very warm place being reserved for them!

As for me, I finally got the fridge here and it's kind of a let down in a way, because it currently is keeping 3 Diet Cokes, a Mountain Dew, a package of lunch-meat, another of American cheese, a jar of mayo, and some ketchup nice and cool!

As for projects, I have had a bit of time here and there and have managed to clear-coat the underside of the Phantom, plus stick a few PE parts here and there on the F-105G. Another thing I did tonight was improve my work area a bit. My job, as they prepared to move us across town, threw out bunches of stuff, one of which was a box containing a couple of sets of amplified speakers for use with a computer. My Mp3 player connects right up to them and now can rock out while working on models! A bit of wire routing for the speakers and the power cord and now I have some decent sounding tunes, instead of of the tiny clock radio some of you may have noticed in the background of a few of my photos!

Now if only the time and desire permits......

In the Hangar: 1/48 Hobby Boss F/A-18D RAAF Hornet,

On the Tarmac:  F4U-1D RNZAF Corsair 1/48 Scale.

  • Member since
    February 2005
  • From: Camp Lejeune, NC
Posted by rufioizgrreat on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:05 AM

starting on my 1/72  J kit, added eduard parts to the cans and am working on the seats. the seats are going VERY slowly, this is my first time working with PE, and im getting frustrated quickly.


definately need to invest in tinier more precise tweezers.


"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller
  • Member since
    February 2005
  • From: Camp Lejeune, NC
Posted by rufioizgrreat on Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:14 PM

working on the first seat still. 


"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller
  • Member since
    February 2005
  • From: Camp Lejeune, NC
Posted by rufioizgrreat on Friday, October 14, 2011 1:44 AM

got the first seat done. since this is my first time using photo etch, i dont have a bender which i quickly realized i need. due to not having one, i screwed up the ejection rings, but since its in 72nd scale it wont be too noticeable once the seats are in. im very surprised i was able to attach the survival kit pull handle without issue. 


"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller
  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Friday, October 14, 2011 3:55 PM


Great harness work,,,,,,,you know, I always kid the guys, when their work looks very realistic, I ask; " there chewing gum under that seat?"

In your case, I think I can actually see it!....Wink

  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Friday, October 14, 2011 8:39 PM

Good looking seats there.

In the meantime, I will be absent for a while until I can straighten out some money issues and get my internet restored. (I'm on a borrowed 'puter for the moment.) Could be a few weeks, so you all don't think I dropped off the face of the earth.

In the meantime, work is slow on the Rhino, plus I am still plugging away at those PE parts for the F-105G. As to that, is there a way to make those PE parts stick better to the places they are applied? Mine are easily dislodged and I am using CA......


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Lafayette, Indiana
Posted by Son Of Medicine Man on Friday, October 14, 2011 8:50 PM


Good looking seats there.

In the meantime, I will be absent for a while until I can straighten out some money issues and get my internet restored. (I'm on a borrowed 'puter for the moment.) Could be a few weeks, so you all don't think I dropped off the face of the earth.

In the meantime, work is slow on the Rhino, plus I am still plugging away at those PE parts for the F-105G. As to that, is there a way to make those PE parts stick better to the places they are applied? Mine are easily dislodged and I am using CA......

Hi Jim,

I hope things work out for you soon.

As for the PE, the only other thing I can think of would be epoxy.


  • Member since
    January 2008
  • From: Adelaide, South Australia
Posted by somenewguy on Monday, October 17, 2011 12:19 AM

Haven't posted for a while but here is my in-flight D so far. the acrylic rod is 1/4" from Plastruct and there is a small block of wood for internal bracing.

Still a lot to do - finish rescribing, finish cans, control surfaces, canopy assembly, weapons/pylons on top of all exterior finishing.



















At the end of the day one's work may be completed but one's education never!
  • Member since
    February 2005
  • From: Camp Lejeune, NC
Posted by rufioizgrreat on Monday, October 17, 2011 5:42 PM

anyone used Bare-Metal Foil for the exhaust area? i picked some up from the hobby store along with one of the tamiya weathering compacts with blue and orange colors in it...

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller
  • Member since
    June 2009
Posted by jimbot58 on Monday, October 17, 2011 8:57 PM

Hello, checking in. Still no internet at home.

I have the 'F' about ready for me to work on those panel lines like I did on the Geasel. Gloss coat applied and polished up. Seems I have a bit more time for models as there is no time wasted on internet. No TV as well as I turned that off a few months back. I also am starting on landing gear, etc.

I'll stop in from time to time when I have access to borrowed computers.


On my workbench now:

It's all about classic cars now!

Why can't I find the "Any" key on my keyboard?




  • Member since
    November 2010
  • From: Lafayette, Indiana
Posted by Son Of Medicine Man on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 6:04 AM


Hello, checking in. Still no internet at home.

I have the 'F' about ready for me to work on those panel lines like I did on the Geasel. Gloss coat applied and polished up. Seems I have a bit more time for models as there is no time wasted on internet. No TV as well as I turned that off a few months back. I also am starting on landing gear, etc.

I'll stop in from time to time when I have access to borrowed computers.

Hi Jim,

Sounds like without any distractions you are going to get caught up on your projects.  Maybe that is what I need!


  • Member since
    February 2010
  • From: Ontario, Canada
Posted by Bockscar on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 4:00 PM

Hey Ken, that's right, I always said you need more distractions!!!Wink

  • Member since
    August 2011
  • From: Perth, WA
Posted by NeedBeer on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 5:59 PM

Hi Guys

Sorry I've been out of touch

My condolescences to Bernie's family & those who knew him - I only joined recently so had little to do with him but did notice his contribution & first hand knowledge of the subject which was impressive

I've now put my F-4 effort to bed - am putting this one down to experience - it was a tough one right down to the end - I thought the fragile decals were the final straw but then I lost the left rear tail wing(?) - somewhere on my desk or floor

Put me down for the next build - I've ordered a 1/48 Hasa RF-4B "USMC"

Here's pic - most of the flaws well out of sight


1/24 Hawker Hurricane Mk I

1/48 F-22 Raptor; F-22 Idolmaster,  DH Vampire, Saab Gripen 

1/72 C-130 Hercules; Vulcan 

1/350 Bismarck



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