Marc - looking good, it's amazing how a few little flecks here and there of exposed paint help convey the look and feel of metal.
Dave - great update and I have to admit that I too for a moment thought I was looking at a period war photo. That is actually a neat way to test the progress of a build, at least in a tonal way.
Tony - good progress and nice to see another 1/48 Tiger on the go. I see you have the same slight gape as I have between the front hull plate and forward hull deck/roof.
Ben - coming along nicely, but clearly see the problem you have run into with the AK chipping. Honestly I sometimes wonder if some of these techniques are a bit too technical and are more about selling new products. From what I see with your skills you should be able to wrestle it down. MiG seems to have something similar and their website has a video tutorial on their chipping product.
Also ran across that escape hatch photo in a book with some interesting info provided in the caption. Apparently the hatch could not be closed from the inside (too heavy?) and when in the opened position obstructed the traverse of the turret.
Much more work to comment on, but yes Bish, Gamara, Malone and Joe - it's all looking very good.
Myself got in about four hours bench time. Ran into a snag with having to scratch build the bases for the lights. The 1st company Tigers of 501 had them moved down from atop the hull to a position located against the front hull glacis plate. Voyager PE set does have the stands for this, but I couldn't save the base plates when they were shaved off the main hull.