Progress on the 152: the decals are complete and the oil streaking is done. I ended up using most of the kit stencilling, other than a couple of pieces that failed to grab and were replaced from the AM sheet. The Aeromaster sheet provided the insignia and swastikas. The white open crosses looked like an invitation to serious silvering, so I used 2000-grit paper to mill the surface of the clear coat -- it sure felt smoother! But as the decals dried some silvering came up anyway, and the ***-and-re-wet technique made about as little difference as ever. Well, I've seen worse and I can live with it, but the idea of masking the open crosses is getting very attractive.
Here's the sheet I used:
I raided Black 5, cutting the fuselage crosses free of the conjoined chevrons/arrows.
The oil wash technique worked just as well over the clear, so no problem there. I dirtied it up a bit anywhere it looked possible fluids might migrate to the exterior.
The green 1s are placed where the kit instructions said to put them, and they were on before I looked at other images -- they're about a scale foot too far forward. GRRRR. I have seen Green 1 depicted without the wing walkway stripes, so to simplify matters I left them off.
I'll paint the trim tabs red on all tail surfaces, as the decals are far too large to fit.
Targets for tomorrow: inspect overall, make any touch ups or adjustments, seal the decals, then get the landing gear assembled and installed. After that, add the prop and the various antennas, and brush paint small details. I'll see what I can get done, there's not far to go now.
Cheers, Mike/TB379