Finished (basically!)
Apologies in advance if I've included too many pictures...

And just for fun...

By no means a perfect match, but hopefully close enough. I did go with the two different tires, but wasn't able to find one that matches the port side wheel. I also wish I had masked out the circle under the nose art so the line wouldn't show through it... lessons learned.
I said "basically" finished because I may still tweak it a bit here or there. I see that the mast antenna is not set properly (that thing is a pain), and I am thinking of adding the radio wire from the tail. I just can't find a decent picture that shows that the group used them for sure. The leading surfaces of the flaps may need some
I really enjoyed building this; the combination of a great model, a subject I was really into, and participating in an excellent group build made for a very fun experience. Thanks to everyone for being a part of that: for sharing your inspiring work, and for all of the kind comments.
BIG thanks to Bish & Clemens for putting this all together. This time period is right in my wheelhouse, so I will be following this group, and probably adding another entry at some point. I have my first ever attempt at a biplane next in my queue (WNW Snipe), so wish me luck!