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Bob: That's looking pretty darn awesome, I love how the chipping came out.
SP: Sounds cool!
"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen
SB, that is looking pretty good there! I do like the chipping.
As for me, I finally got started on my K'T'Inga Class Battle Cruiser yesterday. I was able to get all the major sub assemblies built and now I need to do filling and seam clean up before I can get the beast all in one single assembly. I will get some photos posted later in the week.
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton
Finally got some time at the bench after a mini-vacation at my sister's. I sprayed the yellow and got it chipped. After I took the first picture I realized I forgot to paint a couple of panels so I did those real quick before I got too far into the chipping. I used a couple of pictures online and the box art as references to see where the paint is chipped. Here's the before and after:
On my bench: Academy 1/35 UH-60L Black Hawk
Well, I sprayed a coat of light ghost grey as the base color and covered that with hairspray to chip the next layer of paint (hopefully it turns out, it's my first time trying it). I spent about an hour masking the fighter in preparation for the yellow of Anakin's fighter and just as I was ready to start mixing paint for my airbrush and when I went to open my bottle of yellow paint I discovered it had dried itself out... I guess I'll be making a run to the hobby shop this week.
Thanks Nuc! I am doing Anakin's fighter. I think it would look pretty cool displayed next to my kit of Darth Vader's TIE Advanced. I'm going to try the hairspray technique for the chipping of the yellow paint. I'm going to spray the hairspray on today.
Hi Bob, It is coming along nice. Looking forward to how it looks with pain. I forget, are you building Anakin's version?
Most barriers to your successes are man made. And most often you are the man who made them. -Frank Tyger
Thanks Gamera! It wasn't too bad for the most part, the worst was the big center section. I ended up using a few pieces of tape to get it to cover it all. I sprayed the underlaying grey coat today, so there's no going back now lol
Looking very good there Bob, that curved canopy musta been a paint to mask.
I was able to mask the clear parts and finish off the major assembly last night. I'm a little nervous about masking the clear parts because I usually avoid doing it and brush canopy frames. With this build it seemed unavoidable to me, so I took the plunge and masked it up. I also drilled out the blaster cannons. There was a pretty nasty gap all the way around the top and bottom halves of the fighter, so I filled that in with some putty and sanded it smooth. I painted the insides of the S-Foils black and masked those off too.
And this guy is starting to look familiar...
Finished up the cockpit, now on to the main assembly.
Ohhh, very cool- the engine lights look really good!
Great work on the Valkyrie!
Hi Silentbob, that is the best model amt/ertl put out. I thought it was well detailed also. Mine is still sitting on the shelf waiting to be built, so I am looking forward to your build.
As for the Valkyrie I am calling this one done. Here are the pics.
Hope you all like it.
that FALCON is very cool and so is the VALKYRIE .i have an LED kit for T2 HKT but have never done that which is why i haven't done anything. also a couple of contract builds to finish, and i am not doing that again.
thanks to everyone for keeping this going. i have been a somewhat absentee moderator.
Никто не Забыт (No one is Forgotten)Ничто не Забыто (Nothing is Forgotten)
I was able to spend some time today to put the targeting screens together. The backs are made out of styrene sheet, the frames for the windows are made out of staples, the knobs cut from a pitot tube from a destroyed Me-262, and the circular screens are some left over fuel can caps from my Hellcat kit I just finished.
After watching the movie, it looks pretty accurate too. The only thing that's missing (that I've noticed) is the targeting computer which is just forward of the control sticks. They don't look like they'd be too difficult to scratchbuild though.
Wow that is pretty cool Bob- only built a few of the AMT/Ertl SW kits and yeah the interior detail was... um... lacking..
I got around to starting my Jedi Starfighter tonight. I lost track of how many times I watched the intro of Episode III to study the ship as Anakin and Obi-Wan fly it through the battle. My son decided I should make Anakin's fighter, so I picked the rounded headrest for the cockpit. The construction of the cockpit went pretty quickly and the only major problem I had was a seam line the two parts that hold the control levers. I'm also surprised by the level of detail in the cockpit, since the other AMT-ERTL Star Wars kits I've built were sadly lacking in that area.
Nuc that looks pretty sweet! I really like the updated look of the BSG ships.
Señor your Falcon is awesome! I know what you mean about taking time to be with your kids. I have a 4 year old boy and a 4 1/2 month old girl that seem to use their cuteness to make you suddenly realize you've spent all day with them.
NMT: Very cool, those LEDs and fiber optic cables are going to rock!
SM: Ahhhhh, wondered where you'd gotten to! The Falcon is looking great, love the different panels and weathering.
I've been doing a bit of weathering to the falcon but haven't posted in a while. My son is 6 months old so I've been preoccupied with his overwhelming cuteness. But I'm hoping to have this build done by July 15th for sure. I've done the streaking and now I just need to do the sidewalls and then pigments.
Thanks Rob and Mach71, with the GB end date fast approaching I thought that I should kick this into high gear. No promises but I do hope to finish this up this weekend. ( I have to get started on the Star Wars GB)
Great work on both the MF and the Valkyrie!
looks awesome Nuc!!
On the Bench: Nothing on the go ATM
Well I'm making progress on the Valkyrie. It has been slow going working with the led and fiber optics. Led are working, but some of the fiber optics broke during construction. Fragile little things. Still have more work to do but it is almost done. Here is where I am at.
Yeah the Falcon looks fantastic!!! Other than the scanner dish and the base looks like she's pretty much done to me though!
Fantastic work. The filters you use really pay off! Just an awesome piece of work.
Hey all. Still in the process of weathering the falcon. Here's where I'm at with it:
Señormodeler Definitely, yes. I'm laying on filters now. Then some discoloration. Then more discoloration to specific panels. Then streaking and rust. Then I'll paint the grey and yellow panels. Then black pigments. That's my basic plan.
Definitely, yes. I'm laying on filters now. Then some discoloration. Then more discoloration to specific panels. Then streaking and rust. Then I'll paint the grey and yellow panels. Then black pigments.
That's my basic plan.
i plan on doing similar filtering with my T2 HKT so i am following this closely. i'm thinking of starting with various metals; oily steel, steel, aluminum, chrome painting before the washes.
She's shaping up into a beautiful model there!
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