A bit of progress today....slowly getting there. I've spent more time on this first page of the build than I did on the entire last build I did . WNW planes are absolutely superior in every way, hands down.
the side rails and PE seatbelts installed. There is some woodgraining going on on each thin piece of wood, but, couldn't get the camera to focus on it, but, it's there
Here's the front seat and 'grungy' floor (stippled artist oil sludge) beneath the pilot's seat. I painted the seatbelts buff and did a light brown filter to create a few different hues. I left the brass of the PE raw as it really pops as real brass hardware would:
Here's the rear seat. You can see the map on the navigator table and his seatbelts. You can see the colour variations on the rear belt and the oil wash to bring out the highs and lows. That 'thing' with the trigger under the table is the reconnaissance camera the guy in the back can use through the view port just beneath the camera:
And, the flight yolk with PE pully and cable's built in. Nice touch WNW.
Anyway, these builds are exhausting when you pour half a weekend into 'em . They, do, however, deserve the attention as, previously mentioned, the premiere model company in the world right now, IMHO
Not gonna lie, I hope my PE cockpit detail set for my 1/72 Crusader comes in this week for a break from this monster!! Many more hours needed to string up everything and install all the flight controls!!
On the Bench: Nothing on the go ATM