I'm going to launch right into 'Done' on this small bird. It was a great kit and a welcome addtion to any 1/72 RAF collector. I'm really enjoying Airfix's new tooling. So, yes, this is a Boulton Paul Defiant Mk.I with a member of No.264 Sqn, Martlesham Heath, Suffolk, England, July 1940. They weren't very successful during the B of B, but, they did eventually prove themselves as capable night fighters. I will do this kit again and do the night fighter version. It's OOB and painted with Tamiya acrylics, Valejo Air and burnt sienna artists oils. I oversprayed it with decanted Testors dull coat. She's representative of a massively overused and battle hardened fighter. Thanks for looking....had a bit of a disaster witht he tail wheel which you will see later...
You can really see the salt weathering 'mottling' in this next pic
AND, there she ISN'T!! Yup, the tail wheel went AWOL sometime between last night and today. I noticed it a few hours ago, thus, a search was moot!! Gone. I'm going to have to find a source for AM tail wheels!! What a bummer....
That's it. Going to get some work done on my big WnW project and I just joined the One True Scale build, so, lots to do!
On the Bench: Nothing on the go ATM