Sorry for the delay in an update guys. I normally try and go for once a week. But this build had lots more to do than i had expected. I have also been following a build on Britmodeller and while i am not going to the same lengths to add detail as that guy has, there were a few things i felt realy needed some attention. And just when i thought i was ready, i realised there was somthing else to add.
Anyway, enough of the excuses. After the last update i starte adding the resin. These included new exhausts which i had not realised were in the AA set, but it was easy enought to remove the kit ones. And there was of course more PE to add.
Then it was onto the turret. Lots of PE on here with the handles and mesh for the bins and a few bits of resin.
My usual sequance is to build the whole thing miuns wheels, tracks tools etc and then prime and paint. But given the nature of the side armour, i was going to paint and weather the lower hull, wheels, tracks and inside the armour, put that all together, mask and then carry on. But some test fitting showed that the wheels and tracks can be fitted after the armour, so i decided to carry on with what i know.
I also added the last details to the lights useing some wire rather than the flat PE parts.
Then it was time to primer. A couple of areas needed a little more filling and sanding.
But there was also a couple of pieces on the turret that i had neglected. Phogto's show tanks carrying water jerry cans in the frame on the rear turret bin, but the kit does not include anything for them to sit on. The build on the other forum gave me the answer to that.
And i also had to add tarps to the side bins. I used white Milliput rolled thin, first time i have done this and it works a treat.
I only just added those so need to let them dry for a bit. But in the meantime i can the straps and a bit more detail.
I aslo got the tracks together and coate with NATO black. This Sword tracks and very nice, no flash and the holes are open. The only problem is the wire which is thicker than that used by Fruil and is a real pain to get through the hole. I had to drill most of them out.
And that all for now. I have a couple of days to myself as the Mrs has had to go north to see family, and i have taken tomorrow off work so i am hopeing i can get a lot done to this.