Looks like a great start Brandon. That's how you do more with less! Great painting skills at work there. =]
So this will likely be one of the last posts I can make to update my build as I'm about to move into my new home. It's just about time to start boxing things up. =[
I have my F6-D recon mustang cockpit mostly painted up. There is an extra piece of equipment that went on the floor to the pilot's left: an intervalometer. This controlled the sequencing of pictures taken. I haven't scratched that part out yet, but it won't be too difficult. Here's what I have so far...I haven't gotten around to a clear/flat coat yet, but the weathering will be very light considering I've done most of it with the painting already. This is pretty much how it will remain.
Untitled by Britt Vallot, on Flickr
Untitled by Britt Vallot, on Flickr
Untitled by Britt Vallot, on Flickr
Untitled by Britt Vallot, on Flickr
This True Details cockpit was actually a lot of fun to paint. The transmitter/battery above the fuel tank is a little underdetailed next to the Aires version, but with a little help it comes out just as good if not better. A bit of copper wire and albion aluminum slide tube makes up the wire and cables here. For your money...don't count out the TD cockpit for the P-51D.
That's where I'll be for a while. Before I permanently close this up, I have to address the K-24 camera and it's port holes to the left rear of the fuselage. So some scratchbuilding will be in order. I hope to get back up and running again soon. =]