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British Army Group Build 2020

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  • Member since
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Posted by jgeratic on Sunday, October 25, 2020 10:42 AM

Just ordered two books from Mike Starmer,  prices are adjusted as postage has gone up greatly in the UK.  So it came out to a total of £41.30.  

Might get the other two books next year.  There is some speculation that the value of the British Pound could drop with the effects of Brexit going full bore Jan 1st.




  • Member since
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Posted by jgeratic on Sunday, October 25, 2020 1:14 AM

For Starmer's books, you should contact him directly, just in case some info has been updated.   Price per book for people in NA is £16.00, and if I understand correctly, that already includes shipping:

I'm pretty sure two of the members in this GB have utilized the Starmer mix for Tamiya paints, will have to scroll back a few pages to find those.

Actually, the trio paint sample I had posted was done on white plastic.  It just looks grey because the light meter setting was such that it would not be overexposed.   It was taken under natural sunlight, but it was a dreary looking day.




  • Member since
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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Sunday, October 25, 2020 12:20 AM

Jack, I misunderstood your previous post. Yes I think I might have Nato Green and yes I'm certainly interested in mixing Vallejo and also Tamiya to get the right results.


  • Member since
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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Sunday, October 25, 2020 12:17 AM


What a mess ... so Harold, how do you plan to proceed forward wirth SCC 15, are you comfortable with doing some mixing?

I've been doing some digital anylisis, and I figure if you have some Nato Green, and add between 30 to 50% to Vallejo's 70.016, it should bring you to something acceptable, or at least that is what my software is indicating.




Good evening Jack, my wife and I have been at the Pacific coast the last two weeks and just arrived home. It's only a two to three hour drive so it's not a major road trip. Since I was at the coast where the WiFi is not very good for uploading pictures I did everything by Internet links. At home I can upload good quality photographs.

While driving home I told my wife what happened with Vallejo and Mike Starmer. She confirmed what I initially felt and that is I cannot trust Vallejo colours. Everything I do with their products needs to be tested. I have asked Mike to help me find a reasonable priced supplier of his book that has the British colour chips you mentioned.

I looked for his book online and Amazon has a used copy for $72.00 USD. 'British Army Colours and Disruptive Camouflage in the United Kingdom, France and N.W. Europe 1939-1945, Paperback - January 1, 2005'. That is a lot of money for a used paperback book that has about 20 pages.

In the mean time the way forward I believe is to follow Mike's mixture of Tamiya colors. I have a fair size collection of Tamiya paint on hand, but if I don't have the exact ones Mike recommends I can get them within a few days. The first step on the Matador will be surface primer and that usually takes two coats. I generally give the last primer coat 24 hours to dry and by then I will hopefully have located the Tamiya paint I need.

When I get a Tamiya mix that matches Mike's instructions I would like to upload a picture for you to look at if that's alright with you? I would feel better having a second set of experienced eyes on my samples before I paint the model. I noticed how you put your test samples on a neutral grey background. I recall reading that is the preferred method by experts, so my question is do you paint colour chips in neutral grey, or was it done digitally?



  • Member since
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Posted by jgeratic on Saturday, October 24, 2020 10:59 PM

What a mess ... so Harold, how do you plan to proceed forward wirth SCC 15, are you comfortable with doing some mixing?

I've been doing some digital anylisis, and I figure if you have some Nato Green, and add between 30 to 50% to Vallejo's 70.016, it should bring you to something acceptable, or at least that is what my software is indicating.



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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Saturday, October 24, 2020 3:09 PM

The set includes all the references needed to paint any type of British army vehicles, used between 1939 and 1945, beginning with the forces stationed in British territory, the Expeditionary forces in France and the forces in Italy and on the European front. To determine the colors of this set we have been assisted by the expert Mike Starmer.

I am afraid Vallejo has done something they should not have. The above language was copied right off the Vallejo paint set 71.614, please see link below:

It would appear that Mike's name has been used without his knowledge. Since this could become a legal issue I will send Mike a picture of Vallejo's product, but I would suggest that we, members of this FineScale Modeling Forum and British Army Group Build 2020 not get involved by posting comments regarding what it appears Vallejo may have done. 


  • Member since
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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Saturday, October 24, 2020 2:46 PM

Thank you Jack for doing that paint test... It helps to complete a picture of Vallejo's effort in matching British colours. I believe the Tamiya mix is definitely different than Vallejo and Hataka.

Hold on to your hats Mates, below is a reply from Mike Starmer:


Hello Jim [Harold]

Thank you for contacting me about these British colours.  I don't use Vallejo paints at all nor have the company sent me any samples to check.  In fact I don't recall the company ever requesting samples or books from me.  I did assist an artwork producer to correct some drawings they sent him with their ideas of which colours were used on the subjects.  These were mostly inaccurate.  I was able to advise the artist accordingly, to Vallejo's dismay.
Thus the best I can do at present is to correct the terminology, which they have mangled.   Vallejo seem to have some strange ideas about British colours and usage.  The SCC range were never  officially named except the last three amendments.
SCC.14 is a Blue-Black, not dead black, a sort of 'off black'. It doesn't look dark grey at all.
SCC.2 is brown.  This is the basic vehicle colour from 1941 until early 1944 but continued in use after that date for repairs and certain vehicles retained in UK until 1946.
Hull red?  [I gave Mike the wrong Vallejo number] Where on earth did they dream that from.  No reds were used in UK or Europe and camouflage colours except as specific types of paint for use on buildings and other structures.
Light Mud. not strictly SCC.5 but probably based on it.   This was a locally used colour as the basic colour on vehicles in Sicily and Italy and Middle East in general from 1943 -35.  Definitely not UK or Northern European operations.
SCC.11B is pink.  A similar colour to that used as basic colour on vehicles of the 8th Army from late 1842 till early 1943.  The SCC.colour was produced in different specifications for use on structures.
Dark Olive Drab No.41 is, as you will know, the  term for the 1941 colour used by the USAAF . How did they think this was  a British colour?  The mind boggles.
B.S. Dark Green.  I think this might refer to Dark Green No.4 used as the disrupter over Khaki Green No.3 from 1939 till 1941.  It was never a B.S.C.colour unless it is supposed to be B.S.381 No.24 Deep Bronze Green as the peacetime gloss overall finish from 1934 until 1939.  Not used during WW2.
No.3 Khaki Green, otherwise G3.  The base colour for vehicles from late 1938 until 1941.  It was never a B.S.C colour nor S.C.C. colour.  
Unfortunately I cannot provide any guidance on which Vallejo paints might be suitable for those other important SCCs used too.  BTW SCC.4 was used by the Canadian 1st Corps as a repainted basic with black on their vehicles prior to deployment to North Africa for Operation Husky.  It was sometimes used as the middle colour on Firefly gun barrel camouflage, black on top, SCC.4 centre and white underneath.
Might I suggest  you buy my books on the subject?  You would then have all the disruptive diagrams as issued,  copies of the relevant orders and closely matched painted swatches of the colours too.
Kind Regards

  • Member since
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  • From: ON, Canada
Posted by jgeratic on Saturday, October 24, 2020 11:13 AM

Don't know if this really helps, just noticed that the Vallejo I have is the correct number 71.016, but is labelled as US Dark Green.  I bought it back in 2013 when it was part of their RAF/FAA set (16 bottles), and it was instructed to be used for RAF day fighter scheme. 

No idea if they changed the formula when relabelled as USAF Olive Drab, but comparing to the digital chip it looks very similar.




  • Member since
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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Saturday, October 24, 2020 9:29 AM


Harold, that is handy cross reference chart for the Vallejo products.

I am a bit hesitant that 71.016 listed as an aircraft colour for both ANA 504 and 613, as well as the British shade of S.C.C. 15.   As it happens, I do have this particular Vallejo paint in my inventory, so have done a paint comparison with Starmer's Tamiya mix as well as Hataka's version of S.C.C. 15. 

While still wet, Tamiya is noted as having a tint of green, while the other two are missing this characteristic.  Will post a photo shortly once dry.





Jack below is a link to close up of 71.016 from Vallejo's Model Air color chart (left) next to a close up of FS34088 from the Federal Standards colour chart (Right). The FS34088 does have a green tint where as the 71.016 does not. I know we cannot trust colours on a computer screen, but I find it interesting that this comparison agrees with your preliminary observation. It will be very interesting to see the results of your paint test.


  • Member since
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  • From: ON, Canada
Posted by jgeratic on Saturday, October 24, 2020 8:44 AM

Harold, that is handy cross reference chart for the Vallejo products.

I am a bit hesitant that 71.016 listed as an aircraft colour for both ANA 504 and 613, as well as the British shade of S.C.C. 15.   As it happens, I do have this particular Vallejo paint in my inventory, so have done a paint comparison with Starmer's Tamiya mix as well as Hataka's version of S.C.C. 15. 

While still wet, Tamiya is noted as having a tint of green, while the other two are missing this characteristic.  Will post a photo shortly once dry.




  • Member since
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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Saturday, October 24, 2020 1:37 AM

So Cliff, Bish and Jack I am ready to start painting this weekend. With a new air compressor and paint selection figured out I can move forward. The body colour will be S.C.C. 15 Olive Drab (Vallejo #71.016) which was authorized to replace S.C.C. 2 Brown in April 1944.

Then create the camouflage pattern shown in M.T.P. 46, Figure 7. Please see link below, with S.C.C.14 Blue Black (Vallejo #71.054) which was authorized to replace S.C.C. 1A Dark Brown in A.C.I. 1496, October 1943.

Cliff since the undercarriage and upper portion of the Matador body will be dark I was thinking of using Vallejo #70.602 Black Surface Primer. Then paint the entire body with #71.016 Olive Drab. Mask off the area I want to remain olive drab and paint the camouflage area with S.C.C. 14 Blue Black. What do you think?

Jack, had you not introduced me to Mike Starmer's research and the correct way to understand British Army vehicle marking I don't think I would have ever jumped into this complicated area of modeling. It took reading Mike's information at least a dozen times and searching the web for more information to have my novice understanding, but I truly appreciate your help.



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Posted by Sergeant on Friday, October 23, 2020 11:59 PM

Bish and Jack, after days of searching the web and asking for help I believe I found what I was looking for and it was right under my nose all the time:

The above information is found in Vallejo's Historical Color Reference Guide:

Like Jack said in some cases Vallejo uses names they have assigned to other Model Air colour applications which is confusing.



  • Member since
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Posted by jgeratic on Friday, October 23, 2020 6:42 PM

Harold, thanks for taking the time and sending out that email.  It will be interesting to see Starmer's response.

Vallejo is odd in the way they have labeled some of their paints.  Four of the eight in the set being discussed have, in name, nothing to do with British callouts. 

They did a similar hodgepodge when they first came out with their RAF and Luftwaffe sets.  Maybe they had existing paints which were considered good enough to match and never bothered changing to appropriate names.   The worst part was that many of the colours were quite off, making them unpopular.  They seem to have taken a closer look at paint colours with the second releases of their aircraft sets.



  • Member since
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  • From: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Posted by Bish on Friday, October 23, 2020 5:49 PM

Thats some great info going up there guys, thanks for posting all that.

I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so


On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3

  • Member since
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Posted by Sergeant on Friday, October 23, 2020 5:45 PM

Jack and Cliff, I feel the subject of matching S.C.C. Numbers to the correct Vallejo colours is worth an effort; however, it may become a case of diminishing returns. I already know what colors were used in the Northwest Europe campaign of 1944-45 based on Mike's research and weather I use olive drab or khaki green is not a major issue because they are so similar. Still I think it would be good to let Mike know his efforts are of value to modelers like us.


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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Friday, October 23, 2020 5:18 PM


Concerning the Vallejo paint set for British AFV's, I've not come across any review by Mike Starmer.  I think this is important, because another paint brand (Real Colors AK) used his input and advertised his name alongside their British paints, but he was discouraged with what they came out with.

Short of asking Mike his opinion, you would have to obtain one of his publications and compare the paint chips found within (these are actual paint swatches as opposed to printed examples) and compare to the Vallejo paint sample to determine how faithful they are.





Jack I have taken your suggestion and emailed Mike Starmer. Please see my email below:

Hello Mike, my name is J. Harold Benson from Vancouver, Washington. I am a member of the FineScale Modeling Armor Forum and British Army Group Build 2020. I have some questions about British Standard Camouflage Colours (S.C.C.). 


Vallejo mentions that you assisted their research is selecting colours for paint set #71.614 titled WWII British Colors UK/BEF/Europe 1939-1945. However, Vallejo’s paint set dose not reference the corresponding Standard Camouflage Colours [numbers] mentioned in your research white paper posted on the M.A.F.V.A. Website. 


I would like your help identifying those S.C.C. Numbers. Some have already been identified and indicated below; however, if I have made a mistake please feel free to correct me. 


 71.005 Grey Blue = S.C.C. 14 

71.038 Camouflage Medium Brown = S.C.C. 2 

71.038 Hull Red = Unknown 

71.284 UK Light Mud = S.C.C. 5 

71.316 N0. 41 Dark Olive Drab = S.C.C. 11B

71.324 B.S. Dark Green = Unknown 

71.330 No. 3 Khaki Green = G3 (S.C.C. Unknown)


Beyond the paint set I am looking for equivalent Vallejo colours to match S.C.C. 1A Dark Brown, S.C.C. 4 Stone and S.C.C. 15 Olive Drab.


I would also like your permission to post whatever information you provide on our Forum website for the benefit of all our members. 


Thank you for your time and research on this subject. 


Harold Benson

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Posted by Gamera on Thursday, October 22, 2020 7:15 PM

Harold: I have no friggin' clue what's accurate but Jack has aways pointed me in the right direction- best of luck!!!

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
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  • From: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Posted by Bish on Thursday, October 22, 2020 6:56 PM


Finally dug the Challenger out of the stash and removed the shrink wrap, such a good feeling!

Not sure when the build will begin, contingent on wrapping up a couple other builds, but I plan on a start before the end of month.


Lok forward to seeing this one come along.

I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so


On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3

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Posted by jgeratic on Thursday, October 22, 2020 6:51 PM

Concerning the Vallejo paint set for British AFV's, I've not come across any review by Mike Starmer.  I think this is important, because another paint brand (Real Colors AK) used his input and advertised his name alongside their British paints, but he was discouraged with what they came out with.

Short of asking Mike his opinion, you would have to obtain one of his publications and compare the paint chips found within (these are actual paint swatches as opposed to printed examples) and compare to the Vallejo paint sample to determine how faithful they are.




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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Thursday, October 22, 2020 1:31 PM


For the Matador markings, the white bar underneath the AoS indicates it is an Army HQ asset, so that is why it is matched up with the 8th Army sign.

The AoS serial number is not a repeat of the actual number of a specific unit - so 390 does not mean 390th Artillery.  

The quartered square in blue and red, now that is the battery marking.   The red quadrant on the upper right corner indicates 1st Battery.  The AD marking further specifies the vehicle position within the battery.

Wiki has a listing of the AGRA units operating in Italy, but my search has come up empty in trying to find the regiments and associated AoS serials.  There is this one for NWE 1944-45 to give an idea:




Jack it would certainly simplify things if I went with the 4th AGRA, 186 AoS above as you suggested since I have the decals, paint and camouflage pattern already identified. Comparing the AFV Club illustration (B) and photograph below, the body colour shown in the illustration does appear to match the photograph the illustration was based on, please see links:

I need to confirm that Vallejo #71.316 described as No. 41 Dark Olive Drab by Vallejo is the same as S.C.C. 15 mentioned below:

1944-45 – The final change in colour came in April 1944 when A.C.I. 533 authorized S.C.C.15 Olive Drab for use as the new basic colour, to remove the need to repaint U.S. supplied vehicles.  S.C.C.15 Olive Drab was used to replace the old S.C.C.2 in M.T.P.46 patterns or on its own particularly after the abandonment of pattern painting with ACI 1100 of August 1944 except on vehicles still in S.C.C.2.  S.C.C.15 Olive Drab was the first colour in this standard range to be formally named.  It does not match U.S. Army Olive Drab No.9.

The only reference I have is Vallejo's paint set #71.614 which Mike Starmer assisted in selecting the colours. On the paint set Vallejo does not mention S.C.C. 15, but Vallejo #71.316 No. 41 Dark Olive Drab and #71.330 No. 3 Khaki Green are very close to the colour in the above photograph. What do you think?


  • Member since
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Posted by jgeratic on Thursday, October 22, 2020 10:44 AM

For the Matador markings, the white bar underneath the AoS indicates it is an Army HQ asset, so that is why it is matched up with the 8th Army sign.

The AoS serial number is not a repeat of the actual number of a specific unit - so 390 does not mean 390th Artillery.  

The quartered square in blue and red, now that is the battery marking.   The red quadrant on the upper right corner indicates 1st Battery.  The AD marking further specifies the vehicle position within the battery.

Wiki has a listing of the AGRA units operating in Italy, but my search has come up empty in trying to find the regiments and associated AoS serials.  There is this one for NWE 1944-45 to give an idea:



  • Member since
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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Thursday, October 22, 2020 4:42 AM


Robert: Ohhhhh, that's cool! 

Harold: Looking forward to seeing however you paint her. 


Cliff, the body paint will be S.C.C. 5 Light Mud with S.C.C. 14 Black camouflage in a foliage pattern. Please see link below:

I believe the illustration AFV Club used for the Italy 1943 version of the Matador has some errors. The correct body color is not Yellow FS33531 and the camouflage is not just Flat Black, but the camouflage pattern is correct. For S.C.C. 5 I will use Vallejo #71.284 UK Light Mud and S.C.C. 14 will be Vallejo #71.005 Grey Blue which looks black. I will use Vallejo #70.601 Grey Surface Primer as well.

Bish and Jack I need your help regarding vehicle markings. I am having trouble identifying the regiment or battalion used in the above AFV Club illustration.

The illustration shows the 8th Army badge as it's divisional or formational sign and it's on the drivers' right side. My understanding is this sign should be at the division level rather than the Army level and it should be on the drivers left side instead of the right?

The arm of service flash 'Number 390' on a red over blue background colour is clearly Royal Artillery or possibly AGRA (Army Group Royal Artillery). The number; however, should be a regiment or battalion number but I can not find a 390 Regiment that was in Italy.

I have found a 390 Battery, the Sussex Yeomanry at Chichester, England that was part of the 144th Field Regiment. I believe the 144th and the 98th Field Regiments from Sussex and Surrey were part of the 8th Army during the Italian Campaign and had 25-pounders that were towed with artillery tractors like the Matador. It's my understanding this arm of service number should be at the regiment or battalion level, not the battery level? What do you think?


  • Member since
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Posted by Gamera on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 9:07 AM

Robert: Ohhhhh, that's cool! 

Harold: Looking forward to seeing however you paint her. 

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 6:10 AM


Initially for the Sicily/Italy theater (Operation Husky began July 1943), the paint scheme was set out in the Middle East section. That would make it a base of S.C.C.5 Light Mud, with either Black or S.C.C.7 utilized to create the camouflage shapes. 

As 1944 progressed, European colours and schemes became more dominate.  The roundel as an air recognition feature was also suppose to be replaced by the white star.

Now going by a post by Mike (see #8 found here: )

... depending on what finish a vehicle was previously to the invasion, it may or may not have had top priority to be repainted in Light Mud.





Thank you Jack for a fast response. Based on your information I found that Vallejo has a UK Light Mud #71.284. They don't reference S.C.C. 5, but they do say that Mike Starmer assisted in selecting it for World War II British colours UK/BEF/Europe 1939 - 1945. I ordered enough to do a couple of British models.

Regarding the roundel air recognition feature. The decal I have has the yellow circle, so I will make sure there is S.C.C. 14 Black under it when I create the camouflage pattern.

Thanks again.



  • Member since
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Posted by jgeratic on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 1:34 AM

Initially for the Sicily/Italy theater (Operation Husky began July 1943), the paint scheme was set out in the Middle East section. That would make it a base of S.C.C.5 Light Mud, with either Black or S.C.C.7 utilized to create the camouflage shapes. 

As 1944 progressed, European colours and schemes became more dominate.  The roundel as an air recognition feature was also suppose to be replaced by the white star.

Now going by a post by Mike (see #8 found here: )

... depending on what finish a vehicle was previously to the invasion, it may or may not have had top priority to be repainted in Light Mud.




  • Member since
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  • From: Vancouver, Washington USA
Posted by Sergeant on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 12:24 AM


Also refer to Mike's research concerning the timeline of what paints and schemes were used for the European Theater:


Jack I have decided to change the theater of operation for my AEC Matador. The decals that came with the kit include marking for the Italian Campaign (10 July 1943 to 2 May 1945).

From my understanding of Mike Starmer's research on S.C.C. (standard camouflage colours) from B.S. (British Standard) 987c, S.C.C. 2 Brown with S.C.C. 1A Dark Brown or S.C.C. 14 Black were used to create the camouflage pattern shown in M.T.P. (Military Training Pamphlet) No. 20 from 1941 to 1942. The same colour combination was later used for a foliage pattern shown in M.T.P. No. 46, Part 4A from 1942 to 1944.

If I understood the above information correctly a Matador in the British Army during the Italian Campaign could have a base colour of S.C.C. 2 Brown with a foliage pattern over it in S.C.C. 14 Black. Mike's research with Vallejo Model Air paint indicates #71.038 Medium Brown is a match for S.C.C. 2 and #71.005 Grey Blue is the correct match for what B.S. 987c is calling S.C.C. 14 Black.

Jack my new air compressor arrived today and I would like to start painting by week end, but I am uncomfortable with the paint colours and camouflage pattern I have chosen. The pattern I would like to use is shown in Terry Ashley's review of the AEC Matador on Perth Military Modeling Site. As far as I can tell the 'Italy 1943' pattern that AFV Club illistrates would correctly represent the foliage pattern shown in M.T.P. No. 46. 

Actual black and white photograph of British Army with Matador in Italy.

The colors I have chosen are listed on the back of Vallejo's paint set that Mike Starmer assisted in selecting.

What do you think?


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Posted by Glamdring on Monday, October 19, 2020 6:09 PM

Finally dug the Challenger out of the stash and removed the shrink wrap, such a good feeling!

Not sure when the build will begin, contingent on wrapping up a couple other builds, but I plan on a start before the end of month.


"I can't get ahead no matter how hard I try, I'm gettin' really good at barely gettin' by"

  • Member since
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  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Sunday, October 18, 2020 5:45 PM

More Shermans are good!!! Less ugly Tigers and Panthers!!!


Stick out tongue

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
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Posted by GreySnake on Saturday, October 17, 2020 1:13 PM
Thank you, John and Bish.
I learned a lot while working techniques, skills and a lot more about the Sherman in general. I’ll be planning to build a lot more Sherman variants in the near future.
  • Member since
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  • From: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Posted by Bish on Saturday, October 17, 2020 2:24 AM

Very nice looking Sherman there GS, i do like that scheme. Thank you for taking part, front page is updated.

I am a Norfolk man and i glory in being so


On the bench: Airfix 1/72nd Harrier GR.3/Fujimi 1/72nd Ju 87D-3


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